Table of Contents

  1. Basic Information
  2. History
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1) Basic Information


Religion: Solisim

Religious Identity: The Church of Sol Anon, The Temple of Ky, The Children of Ablution

Founding Date: Year 42 of the First Era though many of it's principals are traced back to an even older religion.

Religious Center: Davitopolis, Imperial Capital Bellitose, Empire of Chaladonia (Church of Sol Anon); Seras, Holy Kingdom of Angeria (Temple of Ky); Cardinal Point, Paralax Desert, Realm of Neurosthenia (Children of Ablution)


Religious Authority: Priest Errant Zamma XIV (Church of Sol Anon); Priestest Kara Ky'Yurei (Temple of Ky); High Servant Isthanuel (Children of Ablution)

Religious Scripture: Their religious scripture is a book containing various "books" written by prophets and disciples entitled The Holy Word.

Core Values: They believe in the Laws of the Sol Anon. Teachings such as love thy neighbor, and judge not lest ye be judge, they teach that each must be like Kymara in all aspects of life. Their teachings dictate to them the founding of all life to the end of all life. In their beliefs they will all go to spend eternity in the pits of Xodod after death if they do not accept the salvation of the Sol Anon, and repent of their sinful ways. They also do not typically verbalize the name of the Sol Anon, in fears that the enemy would use it to trick them, but it is widely accepted that the Sol Anon is simply a title meaning "Star of the Ages". 

If the person is of the Temple of Ky, they do not celebrate birthdays but do celebrate funerals. They also hold to more strict adherance of personal purity and acts of public repentance - hoping to undo the chaos that has befallen their homeland of Angeria. 

If the person is of the Children of Ablution, they have no celebrations and see each day and each thing as temporary. They instead help each other prepare for the believed coming Ablution and adhere to heavy prayers to Kymara and Ky'Yurei. Many would see the Children of Ablution more as a cult and walking a thin line between being a follower of Kymara or a follower of Zodo. 

Religious Holidays: Sol's Day: 35th of Fore Yule; Resurrection: 3rd Solas of Narvinye; St. Zamma's Day: 28th of Marpenoth; St. Kymara's Day: 29th of Marpenoth - to name a few. Some regions and cultures, as well as derived churches, may have other holy days.

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2) History

The Church of Sol Anon was officially founded in the year 42 of the First Era, by the first Priest Errant, Zamma. It is believed that this first Priest Errant was also a disciple of the Mogen David, an angelic-like woman named Kymara, when she travelled on Nor'Ova. The Temple of Ky however did not start until after the Great Collapse, in the year 10 of the Third Era, by a group of distraught angerians that once belonged to the Church of Sol Anon. They thought that their loose beliefs caused the Great Collapse that so destroyed their holy kingdom. So they incorporated some rites from more extreme followers of El Anon and developed ritualistic prayer and daily acts of repentance, in hopes that Kymara might forgive them and save Angeria. The Children of Ablution started when some followers of the Temple of Ky thought that they were seeing signs of Zodo's return, around the year 112 of the Third Era. They were excommunicated for their beliefs. Fearing for their lives, they took their families into a pilgrimage through the Paralax Desert, ending up at Cardinal Point, where they found an old sanctuary and felt divine energy. 

According to their scriptures and popular belief however, the true founding father of the religion was the Sol Anon herself. However their oldest scriptures are linked back to the Asterians, who followed El Anon. The diverging point among them, the following of the Sol Anon, has left a strange and bitter divide among them. Another religion also holds some parallelism and similar text, the Ardathians.

Around 112 B.E. (Before the Eras) the mighty Ascian Empire had taken over the lands of present day Chaladonia. At that time, it was simply the Kingdom of Asteria. It was a a nation of followers of El Anon whose devote faith would not let them worship any other god, especially an Ascian emperor. Because of this, they were constantly beaten and mistreated. Prophets kept announcing that soon El Anon would send a savior. However, the savior they had gotten was not one that they expected, and thusly they did not regard her to be anything more than a great healer.

This was in the year of 10, in the first era. Though the exact dates of events are contested amongst the two churches. Kymara - The Sol Anon was born and she lived out 30 years preaching and healing. When this woman's teachings threatened Asterian policy, they turned her over to the Ascian's, demanding that she be killed. Such was done in the year 40 of the first era. It is believed by many Solists that she is resurrected or reincarnated once a century since to help those in need before dying yet another bloody death.

The church, while it spread, did so underground. It, and its followers were widely prosecuted by the Ascian government. Eventually the Ascian empire fell in the year 600 of the First Era. For a long while afterwards, the Solists had been able to spread their teaching to all corners of Nor'Ova. 

After the fall of Kious Zodo, and of first era society, referred to as The Breaking, the Solists worked to re-establish society throughout Nor'Ova, and continue to work to spread the word of the Sol Anon to areas long forgotten. The Church continued to spread during the Second Era.


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Submitted by mythus on Sun, 12/25/2022 - 06:19