Long Guns & Revolvers

Weapon Type: Revolver

Attack Type: Bludgeoning/Bashing, Piercing, Explosive

Weapon Proficiency: Hand Guns

Extra Info: Bullets do 20% piercing damage; if attacking point blank bullets also do 25% explosion damage.

Guns were the mainstay weapon of choice for Nor'Ovan's in the First Era. They were portable, convenient, and very effective. It is highly unlikely such weaponry would go away just because the bombs dropped and technology as we know it was destroyed. Guns being more mechanical would survive if cared for. Not to mention, some gun fanatics would work hard at rebuilding the gun technology of yesteryear.

Here you will find some guns that were preserved as best as possible. These are from the now legendary Johnson Revolvers. While that company was one of the many tragedies of the Great Magic War, some of its employees did survive the war, and they have passed on as best they can the art of revolver science. This has led to the upkeep of the Carbine Revolver series 1 and 2. The company that is responsible for keeping up with their manufacturing calls themselves JR Carbines or Johnson Reborn Carbines.

The CR 1 Revolver

Also known as the Town Crier, this is a standard issue 6-round revolver, once commissioned  for use by police forces all over Nor'Ova. It is the most common revolver still in circulation, and often used by the defense forces patrolling the tunnels. The CR 1 is a relatively small caliber revolver with high accuracy and low recoil. It uses the CR type 1 ammo form factor.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
CR 1 Revolver 20 N/A 10 +5, decrease by 5 per each additional shot due to recoil 8 5 Rate of Fire: up to 6 per action
Must be reloaded after every 6th shot

CR 1 Revolver Ammo

Here is where you can select the different CR type 1 ammo for your CR 1 revolver.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
CR Type 1 20 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.01 N/A 1.50
CR Type 1 Armor Piercing 20 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.01 Ignores 50% of target's armor. 4.00
CR Type 1 Stun Bullet 15 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.01
  • Dazes target 1d4 rounds
  • 15% chance to stun target 1 round

CR 1 Modifications

Here is where you can select different modifications for your CR 1 revolver.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
Recoil Dampener N/A N/A -2 N/A 4 0 Reduces Hit Chance penalty per additional shot by half. 80.00
Gunblade Conversion 24 (blade only) N/A 2 (blade range only) -5 (gun firing only) 15 (blade weight) 15 Adds rune stone slot for blade effect only. 200.00
Revolver Suppressor N/A N/A -5 -5 0.5 1 Decreases firing noise by 90%, making it hard to hear unless the area is quiet.
Reduces Rate of Fire by 1.

CR 2 Revolver

This is a heavier type of revolver. It is generally used by those who aim to do more than incapacitate. The CR 2 does have more recoil but doesn't lose anything in accuracy. It uses the CR type 2 ammo. Some locations require a permit to purchase these guns.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
CR 2 Revolver 40 N/A 10 +5, decrease by 5 per each additional shot due to recoil 12 5 Rate of Fire: up to 6 per action
Must be reloaded after 6th shot

CR 2 Revolver Ammo

Here is where you can select the different CR type 2 ammo for your CR 2 revolver

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
CR Type 2 30 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.01 N/A 2.00
CR Type 2 Fire 40 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.01
  • Does 4d20 + runic energy damage
  • Inflicts 2d20 burn damage
CR Type 2 Lightening 40 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.01
  • Deals 5d20 + runic energy damage
  • 10% chance to stun target 1 round

CR 2 Modifications

Here is where you can select different modifications for your CR 2 revolver.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
Recoil Dampener N/A N/A -2 N/A 4 0 Reduces Hit Chance penalty per additional shot by half. 80.00
Gunblade Conversion 24 (blade only) N/A 2 (blade range only) -5 (gun firing only) 15 (blade weight) 15 Adds rune stone slot for blade effect only. 200.00
Revolver Suppressor N/A N/A -5 -5 0.5 1 Decreases firing noise by 90%, making it hard to hear unless the area is quiet.
Reduces Rate of Fire by 1.

Long Guns

Weapon Type: Long Gun

Attack Type: Bludgeoning/Bashing, Piercing, Explosive

Weapon Proficiency: Long Guns

Extra Info: Shells do 10% piercing damage and 10% explosion damage

The Long Guns of the First Era weren't as fortunate as the revolvers. These were harder to take into the shelters at the last minute, leaving most of them out in the world to go to ruin. That said, they were able to take what they could find and craft some new shotgun models, the 20-Gauge and 12-Gauge. The largest manufacturer of these new shotguns is the Crystal Mountain Defenders. It has become somewhat of a status symbol in cave society to possess a CMD 12 Gauge, and this prestige has made them the go-to supplier for the Outworld Expeditionary Forces.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
Single Barrel 20-Gauge Shotgun 20 N/A 12 -10 20 18

Shotguns come with a recoil penalty that reduces Hit Targeting by 10 and causes 1d10 damage to wielder

You can apply the following enhancements to your shotgun

  • Gun Sights: increases the Hit Chance by 5 and the Range by 2, costs 25.00
  • Recoil Dampener: reduces recoil penalty by half, costs 40.00
  • Stock Pad: removes recoil damage to weilder, costs 25.00
  • 12-Shell Clip: Allows for preloading 12 shells so that you do not have to spend a support action to reload between 12 shells, costs 100.00
Single Barrel 12-Gauge Shotgun 30 N/A 12 -10 25 18

Shotguns come with a recoil penalty that reduces Hit Targeting by 10 and causes 1d20 damage to wielder

You can apply the following enhancements to your shotgun

  • Gun Sights: increases the Hit Chance by 5 and the Range by 2, costs 25.00
  • Recoil Dampener: reduces recoil penalty by half, costs 40.00
  • Stock Pad: removes recoil damage to weilder, costs 25.00
  • 12-Shell Clip: Allows for preloading 12 shells so that you do not have to spend a support action to reload between 12 shells, costs 100.00
Double Barrel 12-Gauge Shotgun 30 N/A 12 -15 28 18
  • You can load and shoot 2 shells with one attack
  • Shotguns come with a recoil penalty that reduces Hit Targeting by 15 and causes 1d20 damage to wielder

You can apply the following enhancements to your shotgun

  • Gun Sights: increases the Hit Chance by 5 and the Range by 2, costs 25.00
  • Recoil Dampener: reduces recoil penalty by half, costs 40.00
  • Stock Pad: removes recoil damage to weilder, costs 25.00
  • 12-Shell Clip: Allows for preloading 12 shells so that you do not have to spend a support action to reload between 12 shells, costs 100.00
Double Barrel 20-Gauge Shotgun 20 N/A 12 -15 28 18
  • You can load and shoot up to 2 shells in a single attack
  • Shotguns come with a recoil penalty that reduces Hit Targeting by 15 and causes 1d12 damage to wielder

You can apply the following enhancements to your shotgun

  • Gun Sights: increases the Hit Chance by 5 and the Range by 2, costs 25.00
  • Recoil Dampener: reduces recoil penalty by half, costs 40.00
  • Stock Pad: removes recoil damage to weilder, costs 25.00
  • 12-Shell Clip: Allows for preloading 12 shells so that you do not have to spend a support action to reload between 12 shells, costs 100.00

Shotgun Shells

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
12 Gauge Shell 2d20 N/A N/A N/A 0.12 0.01 Once you reach 10 spaces, the pellets spread to affect the spaces on the left and right. This results in the damage being divided by 3 and given to each target. If there isn't a target in that space, or spaces, the shell damage is still divided by 3. After the maximum range of the shot gun is reached, the shell damage is divided by 5. It has a 50% chance of still affecting targets for up to 5 more spaces before failing. 2.25
20 Gauge Shell 1d20 N/A N/A N/A 0.02 0.01 Once you reach 10 spaces, the pellets spread to affect the spaces on the left and right. This results in the damage being divided by 3 and given to each target. If there isn't a target in that space, or spaces, the shell damage is still divided by 3. After the maximum range of the shot gun is reached, the shell damage is divided by 5. It has a 50% chance of still affecting targets for up to 3 more spaces before failing. 1.25

Runic Rifles

Weapon Type: Runic Rifle

Attack Type: Magic

Weapon Proficiency: Runic Rifle

Extra Info:

  • Even though the attack is magical, you can only add your runic energy to the attack if you have level 2 or higher in Runic Rifle Proficiency
  • Shots from the Runic Rifle are only defended by spirit and MR%, elemental spirit can also come into play
  • Attacks are 10% piercing

Runic Rifles were invented and created by Jardin Callowel, a lead scientist in runic technologies and rune stone applications. The basics of a runic rifle is pretty simple. It makes use of both crystal and rune stones to allow the user to channel magical energy through it which is then expelled through the other end as a powerful beam of pure destructive magic, always in the color of the element of its wielder, and always bearing the elemental properties of said element. The beam is akin to a short lazer blast, roughly a a foot long yet bearing a 4 inch diameter. The benefit of the runic rifle is that it doesn't require ammo and has longer range potential. The downside is the cost, they deplete rune stones and must be replaced, with the purity level of the rune stone determining the strength potential of the blast. They also drain from the user SA.

Even thought these are a first era weapon, these weapons have persisted into the 2nd era and for good reason, the increase prevalence in magic. It also helped that these weapons gained more widespread use during the end of the Great Magic War. The ease in connecting to the runic elements have made these weapons far more valuable and useful than before, giving even the most clumsy magic user a potent magic weapon. The discovery of more pure ylem stones deep underground have also made these weapons more important, and you know what they say - money speaks.

Due to using a rune stone as part of the weapon, runic rifles do not come with a slot for rune stone attachment for learning and applying weapon effects. You can however purchase a modification to allow for this.

Rune Stone Purity Levels

The purity of the rune stone determines the power of the blast, not the spell that is in it. Therefore it is very possible to get the most pure rune stone available with just a basic spell in it, and get a good blast from the runic rifle.

  • Level 1 Purity - Black Rune stone: Increase attack value by up to 25% (x 1.25)
  • Level 2 Purity - Gray Rune Stone: Increase attack value by up to 50% (x 1.5)
  • Level 3 Purity - Silver Rune Stone: Increase attack value by up to 75% (x 1.75)
  • Level 4 Purity - Teal Rune Stone: Increase attack value by up to 100% (x 2)
  • Level 5 Purity - White Rune Stone: Increase attack value by up to 125% (x 2.25)
  • Level 6 Purity - Clear Rune Stone: Increase attack value by up to 150% (x 2.5)

The Runic Rifles

Here is listed the various models of runic rifles that are available.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
Long Runic Rifle 22 N/A 20 +10 18 20 Shot value is increased depending upon the level purity of the applied rune stone. For every 2 Soul applied to the blast, the blast is increased by 4%. At least 20% of the Soul must come from the rune stone, and once empty the rune stone will need to be replaced. The rune stone can of course be recharged, as long as it remains a rune stone. 700.00
Standard Runic Rifle 25 N/A 10 +10 14 20 Shot value is increased depending upon the level purity of the applied rune stone. For every 2 Soul applied to the blast, the blast is increased by 4%. At least 20% of the Soul must come from the rune stone, and once empty the rune stone will need to be replaced. The rune stone can of course be recharged, as long as it remains a rune stone. 550.00
Runic Staff Rifle 10 (melee); 15 (energy) N/A 2 (staff); 8 (blast) 0 (staff), +5 (blast) 15 18

Shot value is increased depending upon the level purity of the applied rune stone. For every 2 Soul applied to the blast, the blast is increased by 4%. At least 20% of the Soul must come from the rune stone, and once empty the rune stone will need to be replaced. The rune stone can of course be recharged, as long as it remains a rune stone.

This is actually a runic rifle designed to look like a staff. It is more popular among those who want the power of a runic rifle but don't want to advertise that they are carrying one around. Given its more slender shape, it isn't as powerful as traditional runic rifles, however it has the unique advantage of being able to be used like a wizard staff.

Staff Special Effects:

  • apply double the elemental effects against the element you are strong against when casting magic
  • decrease spell casting speed by 1

Runic Rifle Modifications

Here is listed any modifications that can be applied.

Weapon Sort by Weapon, Ascending Sort by Weapon, Descending Attack Sort by Attack, Ascending Sort by Attack, Descending Parry Sort by Parry, Ascending Sort by Parry, Descending Range Sort by Range, Ascending Sort by Range, Descending Hit Chance Sort by Hit Chance, Ascending Sort by Hit Chance, Descending Weight Sort by Weight, Ascending Sort by Weight, Descending Space Taken Sort by Space Taken, Ascending Sort by Space Taken, Descending Other Information Sort by Other Information, Ascending Sort by Other Information, Descending Cost Sort by Cost, Ascending Sort by Cost, Descending
Blast Focus +5 N/A +5 +5 N/A N/A N/A 75.00
Gun Sights N/A N/A +2 +5 +0.5 0 N/A 25.00
Improved Runic Crystal N/A N/A +5 +5 N/A N/A Increases the attack value of the runic blast by an additional 10% (x1.1). 100.00
Rune Stone Slot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Adds a slot for a second rune stone that can be used to apply weapon effects when acquired like with any traditional weapon. 20.00

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