
Race: Cathar
Race Maximums:

Fortitude: 70
Speed: 100
Mental: 60
Strength: 60
Luck: 80
Will: 50
React: 90
Perceive: 90



Weight Range: 90 - 200
Height Ranges: 4 foot to 6 foot
Genders: Male, Female
Life Expectancy: 200
Quick List of Modifiers:
+15 to Perceive
+10 to Detect

+10 to Speed
+3 to Battle Movement Range
+2 to Initiative
+10 to React
+5 to Power
Defense of 10

Brief History

Cathars are a nomadic race who never stay put in one area. Because of this, they have had little to no impact with the rest of the world. Their only fights have been against their sword enemies, canids. It is widely believed that they came to exist after during the Great Magic War. It is believed that the effects of the Great Magic War mutated the wild cats changing them forever into a race of sentient upright beings with human like intelligence yet cat senses.

Positives & Negatives

Cathar have human-like intelligence and cat-like speed, reflexes, and skills. They boost excellent vision, even in the dark, a great sense of smell, and amazing reflexes. Cathar however are temperamental and full of themselves.

Cathar excel at skills that make them great hunters, trackers, and explorers.

Cathars have retractable claws that have an attack power of 10. They can also bite doing Melee Power + 5 damage.

Racial Skills

Cathar start with the following skills at level 1 mastery:

Skill Sort by Skill, Ascending Sort by Skill, Descending Stat Cost Sort by Stat Cost, Ascending Sort by Stat Cost, Descending Description Sort by Description, Ascending Sort by Description, Descending Level Effects Sort by Level Effects, Ascending Sort by Level Effects, Descending Cost to Acquire Sort by Cost to Acquire, Ascending Sort by Cost to Acquire, Descending
Skillful Climbing 5 Endurance With this skill you can successfully climb different hard to climb obstacles. Your ability to climb and what you can climb depends upon your level of mastery in this skill. You must use this skill for each movement action in which you wish to climb. Level 1: Trees; 5 Endurance
Level 2: Mountains ; 10 Endurance
Level 3: Cliffs; 15 Endurance
Level 4: Walls; 20 Endurance

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Battle Rage 15 Endurance With this skill the cathar can go into a battle rage that increases his or her attacks by 1 per level of mastery. These attacks do include melee power and crit chances, however these extra attacks are only basic attacks with no skill usage. This can only be performed with melee weapons or bare handed, and dual wielding or dual fists does apply.  Level 1: +1 attack; 15 Endurance
Level 2: +2 attacks; 30 Endurance
Level 3: +3 attacks; 45 Endurance
Level 4: +4 attacks; 60 Endurance
This is a Tier 2 skill
Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250
Tracking N/A Easily find and follow tracks up to 2 days old per level of mastery. Level 1: 2 days
Level 2: 4 days
Level 3: 6 days
Level 4: 8 days

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Cat Leap 5 Endurance Cathars, like their feline cousins, are able to leap to greater heights and across greater distances. Normally to jump up is 0.25 your movement range and to leap across is 0.25 your movement range. With this skill, that is doubled with each level of mastery. Level 4 for example would let you leap your entire movement range. 

Level 1: +0.25; 5 Endurance

Level 2: +0.5; 10 Endurance

Level 3: +0.75; 15 Endurance

Level 4: +1; 20 Endurance

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Hunting N/A +5 to Hit Targeting per level of mastery against selected enemy type. Level 1: +5
Level 2: +10
Level 3: +15
Level 4: +20

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Cathar also have the following talent:


Talent Sort by Talent, Ascending Sort by Talent, Descending Effects Sort by Effects, Ascending Sort by Effects, Descending Requirements Sort by Requirements, Ascending Sort by Requirements, Descending Handicap Cost Sort by Handicap Cost, Ascending Sort by Handicap Cost, Descending
Night Vision This talent gives the character night vision, allowing the character to see as well in the dark as he or she can in daylight. This talent removes any perception penalties due to lack of light. N/A Having this talent lowers your Will when resisting mindmental, or psychological affecting status effects and attacks, such as fear, by 20 points.
Cat-Like Agility This talent gives a bonus of +10 to Agility as a modifier. This talent also gives your character an Initiative bonus of +1. This is a permanent effect. Your character's race must have a race maximum for Speed no lower than 50. Having this talent makes you clumsy, giving you a 15% chance each time you attack that you will drop your weapon.



Cathar have two stages of life. The first stage, kitten, last from birth until 12. During this stage the young cathar grows and develops it’s many skills needed for survival. The young cathar stays at home during this stage. The cathar also learns hunting and tracking skills during this stage.

The final stage, adulthood, last from 13 until death. To be accepted as an adult, the cathar must prove his or her worth as an adult by hunting down a canid. It is also during this stage that a cathar may find a spouse. According to cathar custom, the male must win the love of his hopeful mate by challenging and besting her other hopeful mates. If there are no other contestants for the female, then it is decided that the female is unfit to be mated and sent into exile. Death come naturally and expectantly to the cathar.


Cathar have a human stance, standing on two legs and have human reproductive organs and human-like features. However cathar are covered from head to toe in fur. Some cathars have single color fur while some have multicolored fur. Some have long fur while some have short fur. Some have long tails while some have bobbed tails. Also with the fur they have human hair on their heads, usually in red, brown, blond, or black… of any length. They have cat ears. Cathar bare human shaped faces, cat-shaped eyes that are yellow, blue, or gray. They also have cat noses.

Living Habitat

Cathar can be found in many various locations trying to fit in and make a home for themselves. They also enjoy the forests. Cathar are constantly traveling.

Food & Sleeping Requirements

They require one meal a day, and must sleep for one cycle, whether it be day or night, lest they tire out. The sleep cycle must come after seven awake cycles.


Cathar, similar to canids and the anthropoids, are very tribal. They are also a nomadic people, migrating across the great plains or the deep forests of the world. They are polytheistic in belief, worshiping nature and their ancestors.

Cathars do not use surnames. Instead they will refer to the tribe that they are part of, for example, Jagar of the Black Paw. First names are often very beast-like.

Racial Relations

Cathar have actually had very little interaction with most races partly because most of them live in the more remote areas of the world. Thus cathar generally do not have a per race relationship, it is more of a per individual or per tribe relationship with their relationships being based on need, desire, or circumstance. The race that almost always drive them to violence are the canids.

World Movement

Cathars are quick on their feet

Speed 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101 +
World Movement 1 + 1d12 1 + 1d20 2 + 2d12 2 + 3d10 3 + 3d12 4 + 2d20 4 + 5d10 5 + 3d20 5 + 2d20 + 2d12 6 + 4d20 6 + 1d% (+1d10 per every 10 speed)

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