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Your search for “"Dwarf"” gave approximately 6 results:

Wiki+ page: Dwarf

…dwarf leaves his parents and tries to make his own way in the world. Dwarfs can still depend on their parents, in fact dwarfs usually live very close to their parents. A dwarf usually doesn’t search for a wife until he is 128. Dwarfs reach their middle age when they are 200 years old, but don't become an eld…


Wiki+ page: Mining Clan Dwarf

…e Mining Clans of dwarves are your laborers. These families specialize in mining, blacksmithing, and leather working. While they can of course learn other skills and be a part of other professions, these are dwarves that grew up in the labor trades.

Dwarven Laborers have the following racial skills and core skills at level 1 mastery:

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Wiki+ page: Warrior Clan Dwarf

…es are your typical warriors. These dwarven families have focused on the art of combat and are their clans and nations fiercest warriors. Warrior Clan Dwarves automatically do 20% more damage with an axe or hammer type weapon.

Dwarven Warriors start with the following racial skills and core skills at level 1:

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Wiki+ page: Shield Clan Dwarf

Dwarves of the shield clan are stalwart defenders. These dwarves have honed the defensive arts for generations and are the shield bearers of dwarven nations. 

Dwarf Guards start with the following racial skills and core skills at level 1:

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Wiki+ page: Rune Clan Dwarf

…e they specialize in magic. However, they specialize in ritual magic, using talismans and rune stones, and are seen as holy people, messengers of the great El Anon to their dwarven brethren. While dwarves can of course use magic, these dwarves have developed a special bond with talismans to enhance and empower their magic. 

Runic Dwarves start with the following racial skills and core skills at level 1:

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Wiki+ page: Mining Clan Dwarf

…dwarf leaves his parents and tries to make his own way in the world. Dwarfs can still depend on their parents, in fact dwarfs usually live very close to their parents. A dwarf usually doesn’t search for a wife until he is 128. Dwarfs reach their middle age when they are 200 years old, but don't become an eld…


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