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Your search for “"blade component"” gave approximately 15 results:

Blacksmith entry

Item Spade Shape
Required Crafting Ability  Level 3
Rarity  Unique
Attack +5
Parry N/A
Range N/A
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost 0.75
Weight x1.35
Space Taken N/A
Other Info
Build Time 1 hour
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Star Shaped Blade
Required Crafting Ability  Level 3
Rarity  Rare
Attack 0
Parry N/A
Range 0
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost 0.5
Weight 0
Space Taken 0
Other Info Traditionally a 3 inches by 3 inches throwing star with 4 points. Can be made 6 points with applying component again. Could be made larger with the length component, increasing the size by 3 inches by 3 inches with each use of length component, though the throw range should decrease by 25% with each size increase. Could be attached to a handle to make a unique weapon. 
Build Time 2 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Sword Shape Blade
Required Crafting Ability Level 1
Rarity Very Common
Attack +10
Parry +3
Range N/A
Hit Chance +1
Power Cost 0.5
Weight N/A
Space Taken 0
Other Info Basic sword blade
Build Time 1 hour
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Thin Shape
Required Crafting Ability  Level 3
Rarity  Less Common
Attack -5%
Parry -5%
Range N/A
Hit Chance +2
Power Cost -1
Weight -10%
Space Taken 0
Other Info Makes the blade thin, like a rapier.
Build Time 0.5 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Wedge (Axe) Shape
Required Crafting Ability  Level 2
Rarity Very Common
Attack x1.35
Parry 0
Range 0
Hit Chance -2
Power Cost 1
Weight x1.5
Space Taken N/A
Other Info Changes the traditional blade shape into a wedge shape, like seen on axes.
Build Time 1 hour
Cost 5.00

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