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Your search for “"blade component"” gave approximately 15 results:

Blacksmith entry

Item Attack Type
Required Crafting Ability Level 1
Rarity Very Common
Attack N/A
Parry N/A
Range N/A
Hit Chance N/A
Power Cost 0
Weight N/A
Space Taken N/A
Other Info

Defines the weapon's primary attack type.

  • Slashing:  Slashing attacks are more effective against cloth armor, with 10% of the damage dealt going through cloth armor. Can cause Bleeding Out status effect if the target is not armored if you make a critical hit, reducing the target's hp by 1d10 round for 4 rounds or until bandaged.
  • Bashing:  You can cause Fatigue status effect if the target is armored if you make a critical hit, lasting for 4 rounds. If the target is not armored, Minor Broken Bones and Fatigue apply if you crit. You can make a strength check to daze the target for 1d3 rounds.
  • Chopping:  if one crits, 10% of the damage goes to the target's Vitality regardless of the armor worn. You can cause Bleeding Out status effect if the target is not armored if you make a critical hit, reducing the target's hp by 1d10 round for 4 rounds or until bandaged. 
  • Piercing:  If you are attacking a target not wearing armor or wearing cloth armor, you have a chance of inflicting Serious Wounds to the target. Attacks deal 10% of the damage directly to the target's Vitality.
Build Time N/A
Cost 1.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Blade Length 3 inches
Required Crafting Ability Level 1
Rarity Very Common
Attack 0
Parry +1 every 12 inches
Range 0.25
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost 0.25 per application
Weight base weight of 0.5 pounds metal, increased by x 1.2 per application
Space Taken 0.25
Other Info Length of blade.
Build Time 0.5 hours per 6 inches
Cost 0.50

Blacksmith entry

Item Blade Placement - End
Required Crafting Ability Level 1
Rarity Very Common
Attack 0
Parry N/A
Range + 0.25
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost 0
Weight N/A
Space Taken adds blade length to handle length space taken
Other Info Places blade on end of handle, like with swords, spears, axes, etc…
Build Time N/A
Cost 1.50

Blacksmith entry

Item Blade Placement - Side
Required Crafting Ability  Level 2
Rarity  Less Common
Attack 0
Parry N/A
Range 0
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost 0
Weight N/A
Space Taken N/A
Other Info Places blade on side of handle. This could be anywhere on the side, you must describe and decide where at on the handle, as long as it does not increase the length of the handle. An example would be to attach a quarter moon shaped blade that is the length of the handle to the side of the handle. 
Build Time N/A
Cost 1.50

Blacksmith entry

Item Chain Whip Blade
Required Crafting Ability  Level 3
Rarity  Rare
Attack +12
Parry N/A
Range +1 per length component, up to 8 applications
Hit Chance +1
Power Cost +1.5
Weight base weight of 0.25 pound metal (instead of 0.5 pounds), increased by x 1.25 per length component application
Space Taken 2
Other Info Use to make chain whip.
Build Time 5 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Cloth Whip Blade
Required Crafting Ability Level 1
Rarity Very Common
Attack +8
Parry N/A
Range +1 per length component, up to 8 applications
Hit Chance +1
Power Cost +1
Weight base weight of 0.3 pounds cloth (instead of length weight), increased by x 1.25 per application of length component
Space Taken 2
Other Info Use to make a cloth whip.
Build Time 3 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Fork Shape
Required Crafting Ability  Level 2
Rarity  Less Common
Attack +4
Parry N/A
Range 0
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost +1
Weight x1.3
Space Taken N/A
Other Info Fork shape, 2 prongs. Must add component for each additional prong up to 5 prongs, attack only increases by 1 per each additional prong.
Build Time 1.5 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Hook Shaped Blade
Required Crafting Ability  Level 2
Rarity  Rare
Attack 0
Parry N/A
Range N/A
Hit Chance 0
Power Cost +1
Weight x1.02
Space Taken N/A
Other Info

Can be used to hook into target, allowing for pulling target to you. Causes wounds and bleeding if escaped from hook. 

Build Time 1.35 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Large Headed Shape
Required Crafting Ability  Level 2
Rarity  Less Common
Attack x1.4
Parry N/A
Range 0
Hit Chance -2
Power Cost +2
Weight x1.75
Space Taken N/A
Other Info Makes the blade component a large heavy head. This could be a mallet, or if added with a claw enhancement, a hammer. This blade can be made of handle materials and blade materials, with no penalties. 
Build Time 1.5 hours
Cost 5.00

Blacksmith entry

Item Quarter Moon Shaped Blade
Required Crafting Ability  Level 2
Rarity  Rare
Attack +7
Parry +2
Range N/A
Hit Chance +1
Power Cost +1.5
Weight x1.2
Space Taken N/A
Other Info

Can be used to make a scythe if handle is placed properly. Can also be used to make weapons like these…

Build Time 1.5 hours
Cost 5.00

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