Search results

Your search for “"dark knight skills"” gave approximately 12 results:

skills entry

Skill Dogma Certainty
Stat Cost N/A
Description Your church sets your alignment, not society.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

skills entry

Skill Dogma Crusade
Stat Cost N/A
Description Members of a church that you target as an enemy church or followers of a god that you declare as an enemy god always receive critical damage and effects.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100

skills entry

Skill Dogma Over Faith
Stat Cost N/A
Description Worshipers of opposing gods are seen as opposing alignment even if this is not true.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

skills entry

Skill Dogmatic Convictions
Stat Cost 10 Soul
Description +10 to Influence with each attack to make target of attack a temporary disciple. This basically inflicts the target with charm.
Level Effects Level 1: +10; 10 Soul
Level 2: +20; 20 Soul
Level 3: +30; 30 Soul
Level 4: +40; 40 Soul
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

skills entry

Skill Infallible Dogma
Stat Cost N/A
Description +20 to Will against any attempt to convert or alter religious belief.
Level Effects Level 1: +20
Level 2: +40
Level 3: +60
Level 4: +80
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

skills entry

Skill Self Certainty
Stat Cost N/A
Description You set your own alignment based on your own religious views.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

skills entry

Skill Cursed Knight
Stat Cost N/A
Description Your attacks are permanently increased by your morality dark points + 10% as a percentage. So if you have 5 dark points this would increase your attacks by 15%.
Level Effects Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

skills entry

Skill Dark Rage
Stat Cost 25 Soul
Description Double the effects of Rage Attack against enemies with a positive alignment.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

skills entry

Skill Demonic Transformation
Stat Cost 40 Soul
Description Changes you into a terrigying demon allowing double use of all dark knight skills and double attacks for 1d6 rounds.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

skills entry

Skill Fallen Knight
Stat Cost N/A
Description Attacks against those with more light morality points than dark morality points is increased by 15% automatically.
Level Effects Level 1: 15%
Level 2: 30%
Level 3: 45%
Level 4: 60%
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250
Level 2: 150/300
Level 3: 175/350
Level 4: 200/400

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