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Your search for “"witch skills"” gave approximately 14 results:

skills entry

Skill Binding of the Natural Spirits
Stat Cost 10 Soul
Description 20% chance to inflict 1d10 poison or remove poison by touch.
Level Effects Level 1: 20% chance, 1d10, 10 Soul
Level 2: 40% chance, 2d10, 20 Soul
Level 3: 60% chance, 3d10, 30 Soul
Level 4: 80% chance, 4d10, 40 Soul
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

skills entry

Skill Apply Curse
Stat Cost 25 Soul
Description This skill allows you to apply any curses you have learned onto objects. Objects must be able to be held or equipped in some fashion.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

skills entry

Skill Divination
Stat Cost N/A
Description Use of a spiritual pendulum or dowsing rods for finding things, people, locations, or answers to yes/no questions with 20% accuracy.
Level Effects Level 1: 20%
Level 2: 40%
Level 3: 60%
Level 4: 80%
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

skills entry

Skill Emotional Witch
Stat Cost N/A
Description Witches spells are affected by their emotional state. If a witch is angry their spells do 50% more damage. If a witch is worried, their healing spells do 50% more healing, and so forth.
Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

skills entry

Skill Learn Curse
Stat Cost N/A
Description Learn how to do curses from cursed objects based on complexity. Once you learn the curse, you can perform the curse yourself albeit following any rules for doing so as given by your GM.
Level Effects Level 1: learn level 1 curse
Level 2: learn level 2 curse
Level 3: learn level 3 curse
Level 4: learn level 4 curse
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

skills entry

Skill Magical Components
Stat Cost 5 Soul
Description Allows for improving the effects of ingredients for sorcery by 10% of Runic Energy.
Level Effects Level 1: 10%; 5 Soul
Level 2: 20%; 10 Soul
Level 3: 30%; 15 Soul
Level 4: 40%; 20 Soul
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

skills entry

Skill Magical Thought
Stat Cost 5 Soul
Description This skill allows for wish manifestation within spell casting. Basically, the more skilled you are with this skill, the more likely it is that the spell will do something that reflects your wishes. If you want the healing spell to remove poison, for example, with this it is possible. If you want the healing spell to revive the incapacitated, it could happen. Want the basic fire spell to erupt and do double damage, possible with this. The GM can impose any penalties on top of the likelyhood of the wish happening.
Level Effects Level 1: 10% chance; 5 Soul
Level 2: 20% chance; 10 Soul
Level 3: 30% chance; 15 Soul
Level 4: 40% chance; 20 Soul
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300
Level 2: 175/350
Level 3: 200/400
Level 4: 250/450

skills entry

Skill Occult Aid
Stat Cost N/A
Description Spirit Guide assists you with Save Checks improving them by 20% for that instance.
Level Effects Level 1: 20%
Level 2: 40%
Level 3: 60%
Level 4: 80%
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250
Level 2: 150/300
Level 3: 175/350
Level 4: 200/400

skills entry

Skill Occult Empowerment
Stat Cost N/A
Description Spirit Guides assist you with spells increasing the effects of the spell you are wanting to cast by 15%.
Level Effects Level 1: 15%
Level 2: 30%
Level 3: 45%
Level 4: 60%
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300
Level 2: 175/350
Level 3: 200/400
Level 4: 250/450

skills entry

Skill Occult Guidance
Stat Cost 5 Soul
Description Use of tarot cards for answers to questions with 30% accuracy.
Level Effects Level 1: 30%; 5 Soul
Level 2: 60%; 10 Soul
Level 3: 90%; 15 Soul
Level 4: 100%; 20 Soul
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

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