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Holy Hands 25 Soul

Either remove the effects of poison by touch or cause 1d6 Vitality poison (non-stacking) by touch. If you are a priest of Spector, the poisoning increases to 1d8.

Neutral Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100

Spiritual Glow 4 Soul

Gives the target a -5 Will penalty against you when you are using Glamour.

Neutral Alignment

Level 1: -5; 4 Soul
Level 2: -10; 8 Soul
Level 3: -15; 12 Soul
Level 4: -20; 16 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Spiritual Communication 2 Soul

Grants 1 minute to talk to any spirits in the area, whether they are good, neutral, or dangerous.

Neutral Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Positive Energy 5 Soul

Grants self and those in 3x3 area +5 to any skill roll or stat check while in the area of effect. The area of effect lasts for 1 round. If you are a priest of Nikolai increase the bonus by 1d4.

Light Alignment

Level 1: +5; 5 Soul; 1 round
Level 2: +10; 10 Soul; 2 rounds
Level 3: +15; 15 Soul; 3 rounds
Level 4: +20; 20 Soul; 4 rounds

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

Gift of Tongues 40 Soul

Grants self and those in a 3x3 area (allies and enemies) double of each action type (can attack twice, use two potions, move twice, etc), double runic speed, and double movement for 1d3 rounds. Double the duration if you are a priest of the Four Winds.

Light Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

Religious Sanctuary 10 Soul

Grants self and those in a 3x3 area +10 to Will against possession, fear, and rage for 1d4 rounds. If you are a priest of Kymara, increase the bonus by 1d6 and the area of effect by 1.

Neutral Alignment

Level 1: +10; 10 Soul
Level 2: +20; 20 Soul
Level 3: +30; 30 Soul
Level 4: +40; 40 Soul

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Reading the Scriptures 30 Soul

Grants self and those in a 3x3 area immunity to any kind of control for 1d4 rounds. Double duration and area of effect if you are a priest of Kymara.

Light Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

Inner Peace N/A

Grants you the benefits of rage and not the negatives when in rage. This skill doesn't give you the rage status effect. Instead, should you become enraged or get the rage status effect, because you possess this skill you will only get the benefits and not the negatives. If you are a Priest of Arameas, this becomes an aura effect, affecting yourself and anyone right next to you.

Neutral Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100

Weapon Mastery 4 Endurance

Increase attack value, hit chance, and critical by 10% with chosen weapon.

The Weapon Types are:

  • Nunchucks
  • Katanas
  • Throwing Weapons

Each attack type is its on skill and you would have to level up each one individually.

Level 1: 10%; 4 Endurance
Level 2: 20%; 8 Endurance
Level 3: 30%; 12 Endurance
Level 4: 40%; 16 Endurance

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

Martial Attack Proficiency N/A

Increase Hit Chance by 10% with attack type per level.

The Attack Types are:

  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Grappling
  • Bashing

Each martial attack type is its own skill and you would have to level up each one individually. Just because you have an attack type punching at level 3 you won't also have grappling at level 3. When you acquire grappling it will be at level 1.

Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Attack Type Proficiency - Thief N/A

Increase Hit Chance by 10% with attack type per level.

The Attack Types are:

  • Slashing
  • Piercing

Each attack type is its on skill and you would have to level up each one individually.

Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Attack Type Proficiency N/A

Increase Hit Chance by 10% with attack type per level.

The Attack Types are:

  • Slashing
  • Piercing
  • Chopping
  • Bashing

Each attack type is its on skill and you would have to level up each one individually. Just because you have an attack type slashing at level 3 you won't also have piercing at level 3. When you acquire piercing it will be at level 1.

Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Weapon Proficiency N/A

Increase the attack value of your chosen weapon type by 10% per level. Warriors can learn to use any weapon type, but you are limited to 3. Your choices are:

  • Daggers
  • Swords
  • Scythes
  • Axes
  • Clubs & Hammers
  • Rods & Staffs
  • Spears & Pole Arms
  • Whips
  • Unconventional Weapons

Each weapon type is its own skill and must be acquired and leveled up separately.

Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Weapon Proficiency N/A

Increase the attack value of your chosen weapon type by 10% per level.

The Weapon Types are:

  • Daggers
  • Snares
  • Throwing Weapons

Each attack type is its on skill and you would have to level up each one individually. Just because you have a weapon type daggers at level 3 you won't also have throwing weapons at level 3. When you acquire throwing weapons it will be at level 1.

Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Increased Spoils N/A

Increase the end of session character point reward, found treasures, and any money found by 20%.

Please Note: You will not gain extra character points for using this skill.

Level 1: 20% increase
Level 2: 40% increase
Level 3: 60% increase
Level 4: 80% increase

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Martial Weapon Proficiency N/A

Increases the attack value of your martial arts weapon by 10% per level of mastery. This is a percentage increase, not a flat value increase. If your attack value with your weapon is 10, this skill will make it 11. 

The Martial Arts Weapons are:

  • Unarmed
  • Katana
  • Nunchucks
  • Rods

Each weapon type is its on skill and you would have to level up each one individually. Just because you have an weapon type unarmed at level 3 you won't also have nunchucks at level 3. When you acquire nunchucks it will be at level 1.

Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 20%
Level 3: 30%
Level 4: 40%

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Intimidation 5 Soul

Makes you appear more intimidating giving you an extra 3 to Influence and targets a -3 penalty to Will when using Glamour.

Neutral Alignment

Level 1: +3, -3; 5 Soul
Level 2: +6, -6; 10 Soul
Level 3: +9, -9; 15 Soul
Level 4: +12, -12; 20 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Sigil Identify 10 Soul

Recognize and understand the meaning of a sigil and to what deity or religion it belongs to.

Neutral Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Calming Aura 10 Soul

Removes and prevents the effects of rage or fear from self and allies in a x1x area for 10 SA.

Neutral Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Warped Space 30 Soul

Removes the use of 2 random action types from all targets that are in a 3x3 space area around you. This area of effect lasts for 1d3 rounds and those targets suffer the loss of 2 random action types each round they are in that area, with the action types being chosen by a 1d4 rolled twice each round.

  1. Attack
  2. Move
  3. Support
  4. Magic

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

Prayer 45 Soul

The effects of this skill depend largely upon your character's deity. This can only be used once a battle.

Arameas: targets with negative alignments will receive Runic Energy Vitality damage. Targets with positive alignments will restore Vitality, Soul, and Endurance by Runic Energy. Those with neutral alignments are ignored. Light Alignment

El Anon: You and your allies armor and weapons restored, enemies dazed for 1d6 rounds and you and allies will not have to roll to hit for 1d6 rounds. Neutral Alignment

Joasri: The great trickster responds by whispering into the minds of all but the priest, asking for a sacrifice of 100 vitality, allies and enemies. Those who refuse must make a will check. If they fail the will check, they begin to hallucinate and begin to attack themselves to try and rid themselves of the monsters they imagine are on them. The temptation then comes in the second round where they are promised that they would be cured of their fears if they would sacrifice 200 vitality. If they refuse, the will continue to attack themselves and hallucinate for two more rounds. Dark Alignment

Kymara: You and your allies Vitality, Soul, and Endurance is restored by 1.5 x your runic energy, any possessions, negative status effects, and mind control is removed as well. Ky'Yurei may (with luck check) embody the priest's weapon doubling its attack power and causing instant death to anyone of a negative alignment for 1d6 rounds. Light Alignment

Nikolai: Beams of light batter the battlefield and the enemies, appearing very much like lightning bolts. All enemies are dealt 12d% damage, though if they have reflective armor such as glass the light will be reflected harmlessly away. All enemies will also suffer visual instability for the remainder of the battle, having to make perception checks to move or act. The priest and his or her allies are unharmed. Light Alignment

Norvus: Spiritual energy washes over you increasing your Strength and Fortitude by your runic energy temporarily for 1d6 rounds. Neutral Alignment

Ova: You call upon the power of Ova to protect you and your friends. She does so by providing all of you a protective layer of magical tree bark which covers your abdomen, legs, chest, and arms. This natural armor gives you a Defense and Spirit of 1d% for 1d6 rounds. Neutral Alignment

Spector: You call upon the power of Spector, the god of death, asking for him to vanquish your enemies. His power comes onto the battlefield to judge your enemies. Each enemy must roll a 1d6. If they roll a 6, they are instantly killed. If they roll a 1, they are restored completely.  Any other number is multiplied by 1d20 (per target) and dealt against them as vitality damage. Neutral Alignment

The Four Winds: You call upon the power of the four winds to help you in combat. The four winds respond, with Eros giving your weapon an extra 1d% magic damage plus 1d10 stackable poison damage. Zephyr blesses your feet giving you double movement. Solara blesses your armor so that is neglects 20% of any physical or magical damage. Tyria increases your reflexes letting you make a second attack action. This all lasts for 1d6 rounds. Neutral Alignment

Zodo: Your weapon, whatever it may be, in empowered by the powers of the forsaken realm of Xodod and its destructive magic. Every attack you do with your weapon sends a black flame copy to every other enemy target, doing the same attack and same amount of damage. Furthermore, your weapon is coated in the non-elemental fires of Xodod, giving you an additional magic damage of 1d%. Once the duration of the summon is over, your weapon returns to normal. This lasts for 1d6 rounds. Dark Alignment

Taal: All enemy targets must roll a 1d6. If the target rolls a 6, the target falls instantly asleep, and is unable to awaken for a for 1d6 rounds, no matter what happens to the target. Light Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

Summoning 45 Soul

This powerful skill allows you to summon forth a spiritual being. Depending upon your Will check, the summoning can vary.

  • Spiritual Gift: Must roll Will or below. With this summon you call upon the spirit of your ancestors to empower you. They do so by making it easier for you to use your skills. All of your spells are reduced by 1 runic casting speed and you have a bonus of 5 to all skill, spell, and stat check rolls. After 1d10 hours you return to normal. Used once per day.
  • Spiritual Attack: Must roll Will -5 or below. With this summon you call forth the spirits of your ancestors to help you in battle. The ancestors are enraged at those who dare to attack you, and rush forth across the battlefield doing 5d% magical damage to every enemy target. Used once per battle.
  • Spiritual Summon: Must roll Will-15 or below. With this mighty summon you call upon the ancient spirits to come and assist you and your allies in battle. A great and terrible ancient chimera comes forth from the spirit realm to fight along side you and your allies. Each round the chimera will melee attack an enemy of your choice or blow spiritual flame at all enemy targets. The melee attack is 3d% melee damage per hit with three hits for a total of 9d% damage, each hit can go to a different target. The spiritual flame will do 7d% magic damage. The duration of the summon is 1d8 rounds. Used once per battle.

Neutral Alignment

N/A: only one level

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

Laying Hands 5 Soul

You can harm or heal a target that you touch by your Runic Energy + 1d6. Double the effect if you are a priest of Nikolai.

Healing the target only is considered Light Alignment

Healing and Harming is considered Neutral Alignment

Level 1: 1d6; 5 Soul
Level 2: 2d6; 10 Soul
Level 3: 3d6; 15 Soul
Level 4: 4d6; 20 Soul

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Inflict Wounds - Bow N/A Critical hit with bow & arrow or crossbow inflicts 1d6 bleeding wound damage, non stacking. Level 1: 1d6+1
Level 2: 2d6+1
Level 3: 3d6+1
Level 4: 4d6+1

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300
Level 2: 175/350
Level 3: 200/400
Level 4: 250/450

Darkness Sprint N/A Dark Elves are masters at moving quickly in the darkness. Their movements are increased in dark environments. If they sprint when in dark environments, their movements are doubled.
World: + 1d10 at night
Battle: +4 in darkness or at night
Adventure Actions: +5 if no light

Level 1:

  • World: + 1d10 at night
  • Battle: +4 in darkness or at night
  • Adventure Actions: +5 if no light

Level 2:

  • World: + 2d10 at night
  • Battle: +8 in darkness or at night
  • Adventure Actions: +10 if no light

Level 3:

  • World: + 3d10 at night
  • Battle: +12 in darkness or at night
  • Adventure Actions: +15 if no light

Level 4:

  • World: + 4d10 at night
  • Battle: +16 in darkness or at night
  • Adventure Actions: +20 if no light

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200