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Binding of the Natural Spirits 10 Soul 20% chance to inflict 1d10 poison or remove poison by touch. Level 1: 20% chance, 1d10, 10 Soul
Level 2: 40% chance, 2d10, 20 Soul
Level 3: 60% chance, 3d10, 30 Soul
Level 4: 80% chance, 4d10, 40 Soul

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Breath Holding 5 Endurance Can hold breath for 1d4 +1 minutes, the 1d4 increases with level of mastery. Basically, with this skill you could hold your breath from 2 minutes to 5 minutes, at the first level of mastery.  Level 1: 1d4; 5 Endurance
Level 2: 2d4; 10 Endurance
Level 3: 3d4; 15 Endurance
Level 4: 4d4; 20 Endurance

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Study Session N/A Increase your End of Session bonus by 1d20 per level of mastery. Level 1: 1d20
Level 2: 2d20
Level 3: 3d20
Level 4: 4d20

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Space Saving N/A Increase the storage space by 15% per level of mastery. This increases the space that your storage devices can hold, whether it be bag, belt, or pocket. This is not for liquid storage, only for dry storage. Basically, you have learned how to pak things tighter and make more use of the available space that you can store more.  Level 1: 15% increase in storage space. 
Level 2:  30% increase in storage space.
Level 3:  45% increase in storage space.
Level 4:  60% increase in storage space.

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Chi Heal 8 Soul Self Heal by Runic Energy per level of mastery Level 1: 1 x Runic Energy; 8 Soul
Level 2: 2 x Runic Energy; 16 Soul
Level 3: 3 x Runic Energy; 24 Soul
Level 4: 4 x Runic Energy; 32 Soul

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250
Level 2: 150/300
Level 3: 175/350
Level 4: 200/400

Disguise N/A Wear convincing disguises. 5 penalty to other's perceive to notice that it is indeed you.  Level 1: -5
Level 2: -10
Level 3: -15
Level 4: -20

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Negative Energy 5 Soul

Causes enemies in a 3x3 area around you to have a 5 penalty to any skill roll or stat check. The area of effect lasts for 2 rounds. If you are a priest of Joasri increase the penalty by 1d4.

Dark Alignment

Level 1: -5; 5 Soul; 2 rounds
Level 2: -10; 10 Soul; 4 rounds
Level 3: -15; 15 Soul; 6 rounds
Level 4: -20; 20 Soul; 8 rounds

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

Hide in Plain Sight 4 Soul Hide out in the open. -5 to enemy's perceive. Level 1: -5; 4 Soul
Level 2: -10; 8 Soul
Level 3: -15; 12 Soul
Level 4: -20; 16 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Spiritual Glow 4 Soul

Gives the target a -5 Will penalty against you when you are using Glamour.

Neutral Alignment

Level 1: -5; 4 Soul
Level 2: -10; 8 Soul
Level 3: -15; 12 Soul
Level 4: -20; 16 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Sneak 4 Endurance Move about without being noticed once you've already hidden. -5 to enemy's perceive.  Level 1: -5; 4 Endurance
Level 2: -10; 8 Endurance
Level 3: -15; 12 Endurance
Level 4: -20; 16 Endurance

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Stealth 4 Endurance Use with Hide and Sneak. Attack without being noticed so that the enemy cannot defend or retaliate. -5 to enemy's perceive. Level 1: -5; 4 Endurance
Level 2: -10; 8 Endurance
Level 3: -15; 12 Endurance
Level 4: -20; 16 Endurance

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

Misreading the Scriptures 10 Soul

Causes enemies in a 3x3 area around you to need to make a will check with a 5 penalty or be controlled by you for 1 round.

A priest of Joasri increases the penalty by 1d6. A priest of Zodo increases the penalty by 1d4 and the area of effect to 4x4.

Dark Alignment

Level 1: -5; 10 Soul
Level 2: -10; 20 Soul
Level 3: -15; 30 Soul
Level 4: -20; 40 Soul

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250
Level 2: 150/300
Level 3: 175/350
Level 4: 200/400

Counterfeiting N/A Make convincing copies of objects, documents, or money. 10 penalty to other's perceive to notice. Level 1: -10
Level 2: -20
Level 3: -30
Level 4: -40

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Forgery N/A Make convincing false signatures. 10 penalty to other's perceive to notice. Level 1: -10
Level 2: -20
Level 3: -30
Level 4: -40

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Hide 2 Soul Hide behind objects or in shadows. -10 to enemy's perceive per level. Level 1: -10; 2 Soul
Level 2: -20; 4 Soul
Level 3: -30; 6 Soul
Level 4: -40; 8 Soul

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Glamour 5 Soul Gives the illusion of good aura and grants a +5 to Influence for 1 hour.  Level 1: +5; 5 Soul
Level 2: +10; 10 Soul
Level 3: +15; 15 Soul
Level 4: +20; 20 Soul
Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200
Positive Energy 5 Soul

Grants self and those in 3x3 area +5 to any skill roll or stat check while in the area of effect. The area of effect lasts for 1 round. If you are a priest of Nikolai increase the bonus by 1d4.

Light Alignment

Level 1: +5; 5 Soul; 1 round
Level 2: +10; 10 Soul; 2 rounds
Level 3: +15; 15 Soul; 3 rounds
Level 4: +20; 20 Soul; 4 rounds

This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

Extra Piercing 5 Endurance Increases Piercing Rate by 5. Level 1: +5; 5 Endurance
Level 2: +10; 10 Endurance
Level 3: +15; 15 Endurance
Level 4: +20; 20 Endurance

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250
Level 2: 150/300
Level 3: 175/350
Level 4: 200/400

Blind Shot 3 Soul +5 to Luck to hit the target without rolling for hit chance. Basically, with this skill you can shoot and hit the target even if you can't clearly see the target. You can also hit the target even if your hit chance falls under the target's evade.  Level 1: +5; 3 Soul
Level 2: +10; 6 Soul
Level 3: +15; 9 Soul
Level 4: +20; 12 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Spirit Energy 15 Soul Restores self and those in a 3x3 area (ally and enemy) with 5 Vitality, Soul, and Endurance. The effect lasts for 1d4 rounds. If you are a follower of Kymara, Nikolai, or Zodo, increase the restoration by 1d6. Level 1: +5; 15 Soul
Level 2: +10; 30 Soul
Level 3: +15; 45 Soul
Level 4: +20; 60 Soul

This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250
Level 2: 150/300
Level 3: 175/350
Level 4: 200/400

Spirit Armor 10 Soul

Coats armor of self with spirit energy giving +5 Runic Spirit for 1d4 rounds. If a priest of Zodo increase spirit by 1d6.

Neutral Alignment

Level 1: +5; 10 Soul
Level 2: +10; 20 Soul
Level 3: +15; 30 Soul
Level 4: +20; 40 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Spirit Barrier 10 Soul Coats allies with spirit energy giving +5 Spirit for 1d4 rounds. This skill only works on allies, not yourself. It works on all allies. If you are a follower of Zodo, increase spirit by 1d6. Level 1: +5; 10 Soul
Level 2: +10; 20 Soul
Level 3: +15; 30 Soul
Level 4: +20; 40 Soul

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Spirit Guard 10 Soul Grants +5 to save checks for 1 day to self. If you are a follower of Kymara or Spector, increase this by 1d4. Level 1: +5; 10 Soul
Level 2: +10; 20 Soul
Level 3: +15; 30 Soul
Level 4: +20; 40 Soul

his is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200
Level 2: 125/250
Level 3: 150/300
Level 4: 175/350

Axe Berserk 10 Endurance Dwarfs are masters of the axe, and can use the axe better than most other races. As long as the Dwarf wields an axe, he or she can use this ability. With this skill you need to make a Speed Check with a 5 point bonus. If successful, you get 1d4 extra swings with your axe, no melee power added however.  Level 1: +5, 1d4, 10 Endurance
Level 2: +10, 2d4, 20 Endurance
Level 3: +15, 3d4, 30 Endurance
Level 4: +20, 4d4, 40 Endurance

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Hammer Berserk 10 Endurance Dwarfs are masters of the hammer, and can use hammers and mallets better than most other races. As long as the Dwarf wields a hammer, he or she can use this ability. With this skill you need to make a Speed Check with a 5 point bonus. If successful, you get 1d4 extra swings with your hammer, no melee power added however.  Level 1: +5, 1d4, 10 Endurance
Level 2: +10, 2d4, 20 Endurance
Level 3: +15, 3d4, 30 Endurance
Level 4: +20, 4d4, 40 Endurance

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Dagger Berserk 10 Endurance Dark Elves are masters of the dagger, and can use daggers better than most other races. As long as the dark elf wields a dagger, he or she can use this ability. With this skill you need to make a Speed Check with a 5 point bonus. If successful, you get 1d4 extra attacks with your dagger, no melee power added however.  Level 1: +5, 1d4, 10 Endurance
Level 2: +10, 2d4, 20 Endurance
Level 3: +15, 3d4, 30 Endurance
Level 4: +20, 4d4, 40 Endurance

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Intimidation 5 Soul

Makes you appear more intimidating giving you an extra 3 to Influence and targets a -3 penalty to Will when using Glamour.

Neutral Alignment

Level 1: +3, -3; 5 Soul
Level 2: +6, -6; 10 Soul
Level 3: +9, -9; 15 Soul
Level 4: +12, -12; 20 Soul

This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Herbal Knowledge 5 Soul +10 to Perceive to identify a plant and its properties. Level 1: +10; 5 Soul
Level 2: +20; 10 Soul
Level 3: +30; 15 Soul
Level 4: +40; 20 Soul

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Alchemical Identify 5 Soul +10 to Perceive to identify a potion and its properties. Level 1: +10; 5 Soul
Level 2: +20; 10 Soul
Level 3: +30; 15 Soul
Level 4: +40; 20 Soul
Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200
Material Identify 5 Soul +10 to Perceive to identify a material and its properties.  Level 1: +10; 5 Soul
Level 2: +20; 10 Soul
Level 3: +30; 15 Soul
Level 4: +40; 20 Soul

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200