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Black Flame 20 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Black Rose Petals and 1 Fire Lichen

With this summon you plead to the powers of Xodod to help you in combat. You are granted a powerful magical projectile to do so. This summon allows you to call forth small blasts of non-elemental xodod flame that you can hurl at your enemies. Each blast does 15d12 non-elemental magic damage increased by your runic energy. If you are a worshiper of Zodo, you get an additional 3d20 and an increase of 25% to your runic energy. You can use this as a support attack skills, spells, and actions for the next 1d8 rounds. This summon will increase your dark moral points by 1 for a maximum increase of 5.


This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

Cataclysm's Call 30 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Dragon's Eyes, 2 Chaos Hyrda Claws, 1 Chaos Hydra Heart, and 1 Chaos Hydra Scale

With this powerful summon you call upon all of the spirits whose lives were lost through cataclysm. All at once the terrible and frightful energy of all those lost during a terrible global tragedy rushes the battlefield. Roll 1d6. The number rolled is how many 1d6's each enemy target must roll, rolling 6 on one is instant death. If no 6's are rolled, total the number rolled and multiply your Runic Energy against that for damage that cannot be protected against dealt to that target's HP.


This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

Cries of the Damned 15 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Ghost Orchids and 1 Skull Cap Mushroom

With this summon you call upon the spirit realm asking for help. What replies are the damned and lost souls trapped within the Shadow Realm who have long lost their sanity. Their cries and moans affect all but the arcessomancer, causing all to need to make will checks. Those who fail to make will checks will be stunned for the first round and be inflicted with fear for the duration of the summon. The arcessomancer can help his or her allies to avoid this fate by spending an extra 20 Soul per ally they wish to protect. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.


This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

Ectoplasmal Flood 25 Soul

Component Cost: 4 vials of Ectoplasm

With this summon you call upon the spiritual realm for help in battle. The spirit realm opens up and a wave of ectoplasm rolls across the battlefield, doing instantly 2d% + 4d20 magic damage to all enemy targets and poisoning them for 1d20 Vitality poison damage. You and your allies are safely enclosed in spiritual bubbles until the flood is gone.


This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

Eros's Curse 15 Soul

Component Cost: 1 vial Black Viper Blood and 1 Viper Grass

With this summon you call upon the power of the god of the east wind to aide you in battle. A harsh wind blows from the east and envelopes the enemy. For the duration of the summon, the enemies must make 1d6 rolls with each hit, with rolling a 5 or 6 causing them to damage themselves instead of their target. Eros is a dark and bitter wind. If you are of a light alignment, there is a 30% chance he might ignore you and a 5% chance he might affect you or any of your light alignment allies with the power of this summon as well. Otherwise if you are light alignment you will receive 1 dark morality point. This summon lasts for 1d6 rounds.


This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

Flood of Light 25 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Sun Flowers and 3 Morning Glories

With this mighty summon you call upon the Light Realm for assistance. Brilliant white light floods the battlefield. All enemies are dealt 2d% damage and are blinded for 1d6 rounds. The arcessomancer and his or her allies are unharmed.


This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

Haunting of the Lost 5 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Bog Beacon Mushroom

With this summon you call upon the departed lost souls of the world to torment your enemies. Suddenly, your enemies begin hearing voices, feeling sudden temperature shifts, and seeing things which aren't there. This decreases their melee power by ½ for 1d4 rounds.


This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Light's Providence 15 Soul

Component Cost: 3 Almonds

With this summon you call for help to withstand possession and mind alteration, and that is what you gain. During the rest of the battle, you cannot be controlled.


This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

Maddening Temptation 20 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Snake Grass and 2 Black Lichen

With this summon you call upon the lord of the shadow realm, Joasri, for help. The great trickster responds by whispering into the minds of all but the arcessomancer, asking for a sacrifice of 50 HP, allies and enemies. Those who refuse must make a will check. If they fail the will check, they begin to hallucinate and begin to attack themselves to try and rid themselves of the monsters they imagine are on them. The temptation then comes in the second round where they are promised that they would be cured of their fears if they would sacrifice 100 Vitality. If they refuse, the will continue to attack themselves and hallucinate for the next 3 rounds (4 rounds total). Allies can be spared if the arcessomancer spends double the stat and component costs.


This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

Mighty Hurricane 25 Soul

Components Cost: 2 Moon Flowers and 3 Bog Beacon Mushrooms

A terrible, screaming, miniature hurricane roars its way onto the battlefield and batters it with high winds, heavy rain, and a massive flood. It deals 5d% damage to all enemies. Allies and arcessomancer are protected.


This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

Nature's Armor 10 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Almonds

With this summon you call upon the power of Ova to protect you and your friends. She does so by providing all of you a protective layer of magical tree bark which covers your abdomen, legs, chest, and arms. This natural armor gives you a defense and spirit of 15 The armor falls off and disappears after 1d4 rounds.


Component Cost: 2 Almonds

With this summon you call upon the power of Ova to protect you and your friends. She does so by providing all of you a protective layer of magical tree bark which covers your abdomen, legs, chest, and arms. This natural armor gives you a defebse and spirit of 15 The armor falls off and disappears after 1d4 rounds.

Nature's Blessing 15 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Spotted Mold and 1 Faded Hope Willow Leaf

With this summon you call upon the power of Ova to bless you and your friends. She responds by giving you all a regeneration effect on your Soul, Endurance, and Power of 5 per round, which does stack if called upon again. The summon lasts for 1d10 rounds.


This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

Nature's Nuturing 5 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Fairy's Stool Mushroom

With this summon you call upon the spirit of mother nature, Ova, to aide you and your friends in battle. She does so by steadily and slowly restoring your lost life. This provides a small regenerative effect that restores 4 Vitality per round for you and you allies for 1d10 rounds. The effect is stackable.


This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Nature's Wrath 20 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Morning Glory and 1 Sun Flower

With this summon you call upon the spirit of mother nature, Ova, to smite your enemies. She does so by calling up a great tornado. All enemy targets must make a strength check with the arcessomancer's runic soul as a penalty. If the targets fail, they are wiped clean from the battlefield and the area. If they succeed, they will take the arcessomancer's Runic Energy x 20 magic damage.


This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

Norvus & Ova 30 Soul

Component Cost: 3 Dragon's Eyes and 3 vials of Bog Imp's Blood

With this you summon the god of the earth Norvus and the goddess of nature Ova. They join the battle, after each allies turn either Norvus or Ova will act. Norvus will repeat any attack increased by 20%. Ova will repeat any supportive action or spell increased by 20%. At the end of 1d6 rounds both will attack the enemies making them all roll for an instant death check (1d6 with 6 = death).


This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

Otherwordly Magic 5 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Black Rose Petal

With this summon you call upon the magic of the other realms of existence to empower your own magic. With this your magic spells immediately become non-elemental and they do 25% more damage or have a 25% greater healing effect. Basically it is like your magic has become strong against every element, even your own. This removes the negatives against elements you are weak against and removes the chances of immunity. Once the summon's duration of 1d6 rounds is over, your magic returns to normal.


This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Realm Reaching 10 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Specter Daisy and 1 vial Black Maple Sap

With this summon you attempt to call forth a power from the Shadow Realm to aide you in combat. You reach forward, attempting to pull forth this power, but nothing comes forth. Instead, your very hands disappear into the Shadow Realm and reappear in the physical realm, multiplied to be in front of every enemy that is present on the battlefield. Your total melee damage is divided among all of the enemy targets but the shock of seeing your hand come out of no where has a 30% chance of dazing each enemy target for a round. There is a 10% chance that you and your allies will be dazed for a round from shock as well.


This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100

Realm Traveler 20 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Black Lichen and 2 Purple Haze Lilies

With this summon you call out to Nikolai for aide. He arrives upon the battlefield, ready and willing to help the arcessomancer, but is ever confused about who is the enemy. Each round of the summon he will approach a random single target and ask for 20 Soul. If the target agrees, the target will be left alone for that round. If the target refuses, Nikolai will attack the target, doing 4d% magical damage to the target instantly. After 1d6 rounds Nikolai will disappear.


This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

Riddles in the Light 10 Soul

Component Cost: 3 Bog Beacon Mushrooms

With this summon you call upon the powers of the light realm for aide. The light responds, granting all of your allies a boost of double their melee power, throw power, bow power, and runic energy if you agree to sacrifice half of your melee, bow, throw powers, and runic energy. Those who are of a positive alignment, including enemies, will get a bonus of 20% to all main stats for the summon's duration. Once the summon's duration of 1d6 rounds is up, all return to normal.


This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100

Season's Warrior 25 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Morning Glory, 1 Sun Flower, and 1 Moon Flower

With this summon you call upon the power of the four winds to help you in combat. The four winds respond, with Eros giving your weapon an extra 1d% magic damage plus 1d20 non-stackable poison damage. Zephyr blesses your feet giving you double movement. Solara blesses your armor so that is neglects 30% of any physical or magical damage. Tyria increases your reflexes increasing your evade and react stats by 25%. If you are a worshiper of the winds, all the bonuses are increased by 50%. After 1d6 rounds you return to normal.


This is a Tier 5 skill

Level 1: 125/250

Solara's Empowerment 5 Soul

Component Cost: 1 Fire Lichen

With this summon you call upon the goddess of the south wind to aide you and your friends in battle. A gust of southern warm wind envelopes your party, making you all immune to emotional status effects. You and your allies also have your melee, and throw bonuses increased by 25% for the duration of the summon. If you are not a worshiper of the winds, there is a 30% chance that she will not answer your summon. Those with a dark alignment are ignored. The effects last for 1d4 rounds.


This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: 25/50

Soul of Forsaken 15 Soul

Component Cost: 1 vial Manna Rose Nectar and 1 Zodo's Eye Orchid

With this summon you call upon the dark power of Zodo to aide you and your allies in battle. He does so by empowering all of your and your friends weapons with a special dark power, as long as you and your allies have dark moral points. This dark power causes you to do 25% more damage against those with light moral points and double damage against those who are worshipers of El Anon. This summon works for anyone as long as they have at least one dark moral point, alignment classification doesn't matter. The increased damage works against anyone with any light moral points, even if they are neutral. The arcessomancer will have his or her dark moral points increase by one with each use of this summon, for a maximum increase of 5. After 1d4 rounds the weapons return to normal.


This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

Soul of Legend 15 Soul

Component Cost: 1 vial Manna Rose Nectar and 1 Kymara's Tear Tulip

With this summon you call upon the divine power of Kymara to aide you and your allies in battle. She does so by empowering all of your and your friends weapons with a special holy power, as long as you and your allies have light moral points. This holy power causes you to do 25% more damage against those with dark moral points and double damage against the undead and demons. This summon works for anyone as long as they have at least one light moral point, alignment classification doesn't matter. The increased damage works against anyone with any dark moral points, even if they are neutral. The arcessomancer will have his or her light moral points increase by one with each use of this summon, for a maximum gain of 5. After 1d4 rounds the weapons return to normal.


This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150

Spiritual Host 20 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Kymara Tear Tulips and 2 vials of Manna Rose Nectar

With this summon you call upon the holy realm, inviting your body as a vessel for a holy being to use. A holy seraphim being takes possession, doubling your Vitality, Soul, Endurance, and Power. Your runic energy is also increased by 50% and your attacks do an extra 50% more damage to anything of a dark alignment. You are also immune to any status effects, positive or negative. The possession lasts for 1d8 rounds.


This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

The All Seeing 30 Soul

Component Cost: 4 Zodo's Eye Orchid, 2 Pig's Heart, 1 Dragon's Eye, and 2 vials of Magma Dragon's Blood

With this mighty summon you plead to Zodo for assistance. The Soul of Zodo responds, creating a great distended eye high above the area. This summon's uses depend upon the situation. If it is out of battle while exploring, the Eye of Zodo will grant the arcessomancer a view of the entire level of the area he or she is at, showing treasures, paths, and any possible dangers. If it is in battle, the Eye of Zodo will disclose all information about every enemy target to the arcessomancer. It will further cause great fear in every target, decreasing all of their attacks by half and making them avoid the arcessomancer at any cost.


This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

The White Firmament 30 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Moon Flowers, 1 Chaos Hydra Tongue, 1 Bog Dragon Tongue, and 2 vials of Bog Dragon's Blood

The beings of light from the realm of light descend upon the battlefield. They whisper into everyone's ears except the arcessomancer. Allies must make a will check while enemies must also make a will check but have your runic energy as a penalty. If they succeed, nothing happens. If they fail, their soul gladly leaves their body and they are dead.


This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

Trickster's Gambit 30 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Spotted Mold and 1 Faded Hope Willow Leaf

With this summon you call upon the power of the lord of shadows, Joasri, in your moment of need. Joasri leaves it all to chance, coating everyone on the battlefield with his power. Everyone including you must roll a 1d6. Whoever rolls anything except 5 or 6 will have their Vitality fully restored and their Soul and Endurance restored by 30% of their max Soul and Endurance. Whoever rolls 5 or 6 though are instantly killed. This affects everyone, allies, enemies, and yourself.


This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300

Tyra's Blessing 20 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Manna Rose Petals

With this summon you call upon the goddess of the northern wind to aide you and your allies. She does so by increasing your attack and defense actions of you and your allies by 2, regardless of alignment. If you are a worshiper of the winds, she grants you an addition attack and defense action. Because Tyria is neutral, she takes some pitty on the enemies, doubling their battle movement rates, tripling them if they worship the winds. Once the duration of the summon is over, all returns to normal.


This is a Tier 4 skill

Level 1: 100/200

Whispers of the Dark 10 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Black Rose Petals

With this summon you call out into the spirit realm, begging any who might be listening for aid. Voices begin to whisper to everyone on the battlefield, telling them things that could either increase or decrease their attacking power. The arcessomancer will get an increase of 50% to melee, throw, bow power and runic energy regardless. Everyone else must make a luck check, with the allies of the arcessomancer getting a 20 point bonus. If they succeed at the luck check, they get the same 50% bonus to their melee, throw, bow power and runic energy. If they fail, their melee, throw, bow power and runic energy is cut in half. Once the summon's duration of 1d4 rounds ends, all returns to normal.


This is a Tier 2 skill

Level 1: 50/100

Wind's Reckoning 30 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Moon Flowers, 1 Chaos Hydra Tongue

With this powerful summon you call upon the power of the 4 Winds to stop your enemies. Everyone who is not a worshiper of the winds, including the arcessomancer, must roll a 1d6. Rolling a 5 or 6 freezes the target in place for 1d3 rounds, making the target unable to move or act. Rolling a 3 or 4 damages the target by 8d% magic damage. Rolling anything else spares the target. If anyone is a worshiper of the winds, they are immediately spared.


This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300