Axe Berserk

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Skill Axe Berserk
Stat Cost 10 Endurance
Description Dwarfs are masters of the axe, and can use the axe better than most other races. As long as the Dwarf wields an axe, he or she can use this ability. With this skill you need to make a Speed Check with a 5 point bonus. If successful, you get 1d4 extra swings with your axe, no melee power added however. 
Level Effects Level 1: +5, 1d4, 10 Endurance
Level 2: +10, 2d4, 20 Endurance
Level 3: +15, 3d4, 30 Endurance
Level 4: +20, 4d4, 40 Endurance
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 1 skill

Level 1: acquired
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200


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