Cataclysm's Call

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Skill Cataclysm's Call
Stat Cost 30 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Dragon's Eyes, 2 Chaos Hyrda Claws, 1 Chaos Hydra Heart, and 1 Chaos Hydra Scale

With this powerful summon you call upon all of the spirits whose lives were lost through cataclysm. All at once the terrible and frightful energy of all those lost during a terrible global tragedy rushes the battlefield. Roll 1d6. The number rolled is how many 1d6's each enemy target must roll, rolling 6 on one is instant death. If no 6's are rolled, total the number rolled and multiply your Runic Energy against that for damage that cannot be protected against dealt to that target's HP.

Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300


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