Nature's Armor

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Skill Nature's Armor
Stat Cost 10 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Almonds

With this summon you call upon the power of Ova to protect you and your friends. She does so by providing all of you a protective layer of magical tree bark which covers your abdomen, legs, chest, and arms. This natural armor gives you a defense and spirit of 15 The armor falls off and disappears after 1d4 rounds.

Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

Component Cost: 2 Almonds

With this summon you call upon the power of Ova to protect you and your friends. She does so by providing all of you a protective layer of magical tree bark which covers your abdomen, legs, chest, and arms. This natural armor gives you a defebse and spirit of 15 The armor falls off and disappears after 1d4 rounds.


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