Soul of Legend

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Skill Soul of Legend
Stat Cost 15 Soul

Component Cost: 1 vial Manna Rose Nectar and 1 Kymara's Tear Tulip

With this summon you call upon the divine power of Kymara to aide you and your allies in battle. She does so by empowering all of your and your friends weapons with a special holy power, as long as you and your allies have light moral points. This holy power causes you to do 25% more damage against those with dark moral points and double damage against the undead and demons. This summon works for anyone as long as they have at least one light moral point, alignment classification doesn't matter. The increased damage works against anyone with any dark moral points, even if they are neutral. The arcessomancer will have his or her light moral points increase by one with each use of this summon, for a maximum gain of 5. After 1d4 rounds the weapons return to normal.

Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 3 skill

Level 1: 75/150


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