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Skill Summoning
Stat Cost 45 Soul

This powerful skill allows you to summon forth a spiritual being. Depending upon your Will check, the summoning can vary.

  • Spiritual Gift: Must roll Will or below. With this summon you call upon the spirit of your ancestors to empower you. They do so by making it easier for you to use your skills. All of your spells are reduced by 1 runic casting speed and you have a bonus of 5 to all skill, spell, and stat check rolls. After 1d10 hours you return to normal. Used once per day.
  • Spiritual Attack: Must roll Will -5 or below. With this summon you call forth the spirits of your ancestors to help you in battle. The ancestors are enraged at those who dare to attack you, and rush forth across the battlefield doing 5d% magical damage to every enemy target. Used once per battle.
  • Spiritual Summon: Must roll Will-15 or below. With this mighty summon you call upon the ancient spirits to come and assist you and your allies in battle. A great and terrible ancient chimera comes forth from the spirit realm to fight along side you and your allies. Each round the chimera will melee attack an enemy of your choice or blow spiritual flame at all enemy targets. The melee attack is 3d% melee damage per hit with three hits for a total of 9d% damage, each hit can go to a different target. The spiritual flame will do 7d% magic damage. The duration of the summon is 1d8 rounds. Used once per battle.

Neutral Alignment

Level Effects N/A: only one level
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300


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