The All Seeing

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Skill The All Seeing
Stat Cost 30 Soul

Component Cost: 4 Zodo's Eye Orchid, 2 Pig's Heart, 1 Dragon's Eye, and 2 vials of Magma Dragon's Blood

With this mighty summon you plead to Zodo for assistance. The Soul of Zodo responds, creating a great distended eye high above the area. This summon's uses depend upon the situation. If it is out of battle while exploring, the Eye of Zodo will grant the arcessomancer a view of the entire level of the area he or she is at, showing treasures, paths, and any possible dangers. If it is in battle, the Eye of Zodo will disclose all information about every enemy target to the arcessomancer. It will further cause great fear in every target, decreasing all of their attacks by half and making them avoid the arcessomancer at any cost.

Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300


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