Trickster's Gambit

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Skill Trickster's Gambit
Stat Cost 30 Soul

Component Cost: 2 Spotted Mold and 1 Faded Hope Willow Leaf

With this summon you call upon the power of the lord of shadows, Joasri, in your moment of need. Joasri leaves it all to chance, coating everyone on the battlefield with his power. Everyone including you must roll a 1d6. Whoever rolls anything except 5 or 6 will have their Vitality fully restored and their Soul and Endurance restored by 30% of their max Soul and Endurance. Whoever rolls 5 or 6 though are instantly killed. This affects everyone, allies, enemies, and yourself.

Level Effects N/A
Cost to Acquire

This is a Tier 6 skill

Level 1: 150/300


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