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Audio Blast

This spell is a part of the Tinnitus spell chain and rune stone. With this spell the Sonic Shot causes an explosion of sound. All in the area, including yourself, will take 6d20 magic damage.

Level 2 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d20.
Level 3 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d20.
Level 4 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d20.
N/A 40 Soul; + 10 per level 4; + 1 per level a 3x3 space area around the target Level 1:  50/80
Level 2:  40/70
Level 3:  30/60
Level 4:  20/50

This is a Tier 3 spell

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Airess This is part of the Airess spell chain and rune stone. You choose a target and create the spell. When the target gets attacked, the spell activates and reduces the damage by 20% and then the spell’s effect ends leaving the target unprotected. Level 2 Upgrade: increase reduction percentage by 5.
Level 3 Upgrade: increase reduction percentage by 5.
Level 4 Upgrade: increase reduction percentage by 5.

Armor Effect: Airess

Physical damage reduced by 10%.

10 Soul, +10 per additional level 1, +1 per additional level 1 target or self Level 1:  60/90
Level 2:  50/80
Level 3:  40/70
Level 4:  30/60

This is a Tier 1 spell

Level 1: 25/50
Level 2: 50/100
Level 3: 75/150
Level 4: 100/200

Air's Constant Flow This is part of the Air's Constant Flow spell chain and rune stone. This manipulation allows you to provide yourself or a target with a constant source of fresh air to breath. It does so by placing an unnoticeable, indestructible, invisible “mask” over the target's nose and mouth. This spell allows for breathing underwater, in gas-filled rooms, and in areas of little or no air. N/A: Only 1 levels with this spell.

Armor Effect: Air's Constant Flow (helmet only)

Allows for breathing no matter the environment.

10 Soul 1 1 target or self Level 1:  60/90

This is a Tier 1 spell

Level 1: 25/50

Air Burst This is part of the Airess spell chain and rune stone. Creating the spell “Air Burst” creates a bubble of concentrated air that you launch at a target. When it hits the target the bubble pops doing 5d20 points of damage to the target. Level 2 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d12.
Level 3 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d12.
Level 4 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d12.

Weapon Effect: Air Burst

Critical Hit causes spell effect.

20 Soul, +10 per additional level 2, +1 per additional level 1 target Level 1:  55/85
Level 2:  45/75
Level 3:  35/65
Level 4:  25/55

This is a Tier 2 spell

Level 1: 50/100
Level 2: 75/150
Level 3: 100/200
Level 4: 125/250

Aero Disk This spell is a part of the Airess spell chain and rune stone. By creating this spell you create a disk of pure wind with edges sharper than many swords that shoots off towards your target. The disk attack by sweeping up the target's torso doing an 8d20 points of damage before disappearing right above the target. Level 2 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d20.
Level 3 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d20.
Level 4 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d20.
N/A 30 Soul, +10 per additional level 3, +1 per level 1 target Level 1:  50/80
Level 2:  40/70
Level 3:  30/60
Level 4:  20/50

This is a Tier 3 spell

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

Tags: Aeromancy