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West Wind's Protection

This spell is a part of the Air's Constant Flow spell chain and rune stone. When you create this spell, the air grows calm directly around the target. Whenever a melee attacker goes to attack the protected target, the attacker will be dealt 6d20 magic damage. Ranged attacks will be directed away from the protected target and have a 25% chance of hitting another enemy target. Magic attacks will still work against the protected target.

Level 2 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d12.
Level 3 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d12.
Level 4 Upgrade: Increase damage by 1d12.

Armor Effect: West Wind's Protection (Body Armor Only)

Retaliates melee damage with 30% of damage dealt to armor.

30 Soul; +10 per level 3; +1 per level 1 target Level 1:  50/80
Level 2:  40/70
Level 3:  30/60
Level 4:  20/50

This is a Tier 3 spell

Level 1: 75/150
Level 2: 100/200
Level 3: 125/250
Level 4: 150/300

West Wind's Blessing

This spell is a part of the Air's Constant Flow spell chain and rune stone. This manipulation has multiple functions. First, it removes any harmful status effects except death. Second, it gives a regeneration effect that restores 6d12 Vitality per round. Lastly, it creates a regeneration effect for Soul, restoring 2d10 Soul points per round.

N/A: Only 1 levels with this spell. N/A 40 Soul 4 1 target Level 1:  45/75

This is a Tier 4 spell

Level 1: 100/200

West Wind's Vengeance

This spell is a part of the Air's Constant Flow spell chain and rune stone. This manipulation summons up a spiraling wind around the target of West Wind's Charge. Whenever the protected target is attacked, whether it be by ranged, melee, magical, breath weapon, or any other form of attack, the attacker is instantly dealt 10d20 points of damage.

N/A: Only 1 levels with this spell. N/A 50 Soul 5 1 target Level 1:  40/70

This is a Tier 5 spell

Level 1: 150/300

Sound Dislocation

This spell is a part of the Echo Perception spell chain and rune stone. This spell lets you send any sound you desire to a different place. You can send the sound of your words, the sound of noise, the sound of other people's words, any sound at all but only one source of sound and only a minute of that sound at a time. You can send this sound to any place you can see or any place that you have been.

N/A: Only 1 levels with this spell. N/A 10 Soul 1 1 source of sound to another location Level 1:  55/85

This is a Tier 2 spell

Level 1: 50/100

Bat's Perception

This spell is a part of the Echo Perception spell chain and rune stone. This spell allowis you to see through walls and barriers. You can see the area like a map on a whim and see enemies in clear depth. This spell can't be used in battle.

N/A: Only 1 levels with this spell. Armor Effect: Bat's Perception (Helmet Only)
Spell effect when needed by spending 30 Soul.
30 Soul 3 1 floor of area or 1 square mile Level 1:  50/80

This is a Tier 3 spell

Level 1: 75/150

Tags: Aeromancy