Double Barrel 20-Gauge Shotgun

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Weapon Double Barrel 20-Gauge Shotgun
Attack 20
Parry N/A
Range 12
Hit Chance -15
Weight 28
Space Taken 18
Other Information
  • You can load and shoot up to 2 shells in a single attack
  • Shotguns come with a recoil penalty that reduces Hit Targeting by 15 and causes 1d12 damage to wielder

You can apply the following enhancements to your shotgun

  • Gun Sights: increases the Hit Chance by 5 and the Range by 2, costs 25.00
  • Recoil Dampener: reduces recoil penalty by half, costs 40.00
  • Stock Pad: removes recoil damage to weilder, costs 25.00
  • 12-Shell Clip: Allows for preloading 12 shells so that you do not have to spend a support action to reload between 12 shells, costs 100.00
Cost 450.00


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