Saga of Ablution


Table of contents

  1. The Plot
  2. The Campaign
  3. Chapters

"And behold! For a time of great trial and suffering shall surely come to pass, a terrible Ablution and an upheaval of all the world, all the nations, and of the very magic itself! Only those who head the warnings of the age shall be prepared and survive the coming calamity when Zodo's Power falters and the veil of deception blinds all."

- The Apocalypse Papers

The Plot

The Saga of Ablution Campaign takes place in a potential Fifth Era of Nor'Ova. In this setting, the world of Nor'Ova had been blasted by the terrible effects of an almost completely cast spell of Ablution.

The despotic leader of the Fourth Era, Taal Zodo, was in the final steps of weaving Zodo's version of the spell of creation and destruction when he was interrupted and defeated. Taal Zodo of course was unlike any of the other bearers of Zodo in the past because Taal Zodo did not hold an orb of Zodo. Instead, the Power of Zodo had escaped its orb and possessed Taal, making Taal Mercleis the first ever physical embodiment of any part of Zodo. This made Taal Zodo very powerful and dangerous indeed, as it removed the restrictions of the orb from the Power of Zodo, allowing the Power of Zodo to not only connect with the other parts of Zodo but also removing the restrictions to his unlimited power that the Orb had on him. The only thing that really kept Power of Zodo from going crazy was the strong will of Taal Mercleis – but by the time of the casting of Ablution, Taal's will was almost destroyed.

The heroes of the Fourth Era defeated Taal Zodo, using Ithlamar to free Taal from Zodo and Legend – the sword of the Spirit of Ky'Mara – to destroy the Power of Zodo. This disperses chaotic power combined with the interrupted spell and the now unbalance that existed caused a great Magic Apocalypse known as the Ablution Event. The Ablution Event basically reset most of what Taal Zodo done during the Desecration that started the Fourth Era, returning the world nearly to how it had been in other eras, however, magic is now very much unstable.

The Campaign

The Saga of Ablution campaign makes use of the Legends of Nor'Ova Encyclopedia Nor'Ova core rules. However the core rules were designed around a more traditional fantasy setting and this campaign is a post apocalyspe steam punk like setting. This campaign will introduce the changes needed to make such a setting work with the core rules.

In this campaign you will not find repeated anything from the rules, unless it must be repeated due to changes made for the campaign.



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