Campaign Armor


As to be expected, the armor of the 5th Era are very different from the traditional game. The 5th Era is plagued with the after affects of the Ablution Event, such as magic radiation, so armor had to be made that could withstand those effects as best as possible. Also with the advent of better guns to keep away from the radiated beasts, the clunky armor of yesteryear was deemed inefficient. Therefore you will find that the main armor of the 5th Era would be light, impact armor and not the heavy plate or chain mail armor.

Equipped Armor Location on the Character Sheet

Armor Stats on the front of the character sheet - this is joined with Vitality. The Physical and Magical are for your armor, as are the defense, spirit, block, parry, and evade stat bubbles. There isn't a place to record Magic Radiation Block, however you can record that in the blue "other information" field. 


Armor section on the back of the character sheet - this is where you will equip your various pieces of armor.


About Armor

Here is where you will record your equipped armor for your character. When buying and equipping armor, you have several pieces that you can equip. Those pieces are Body, Legs, Head, and Cloak.

  • Body: This is body armor. This consists of any armor that covers your torso and arms. You can apply 3 enhancements to body armor and one rune stone.
  • Legs: This is leg armor. This consists of any armor that covers your legs and your feet. You can apply 2 enhancements to leg armor and one rune stone.
  • Head: This is head armor. This consists of any armor that covers your head. You can apply 2 enhancements to head armor and one rune stone.
  • Cloak: This consists of any cloak or coat you would wear. You can apply 2 enhancements to cloak armor and one rune stone.
  • Shields: Shields are optional protective devices that you can equip in your off hand to provide extra defense or spirit. Shields are equipped in your off hand.

Each piece of equipped armor has fields for recording information about that piece of armor. Those fields are Armor, Physical, Magical, Defense, Spirit, Block, M. Rad. Block, Soak, Evade Modifiers, Weight, and Other Information.

  • Armor: This is where you will record the type or name of the armor. You could try to indicate any enhancements applied here as well, but that isn't as necessary.
  • Physical: Physical is the physical protection of your character's armor. It is the defense your armor provides. The character will only receive vitality damage from any damage that is greater than thearmor's physical protection and defense. The character's physical protection must be dropped to zero before the armor is destroyed. The armor's Physical Protection will only decrease by 25% of the physical damage it receives. The field is divided in half between a white field and yellow field. The white field is for current stat and the yellow field is for full stat. 
  • Magical: Magical is the magical protection of your character's armor. It is the magic defense your armor provides. The character will only receive vitality damage from any magical damage that is greater than thearmor's magical protection and spirit. The character's magical protection must be dropped to zero before the armor is destroyed. The armor's Magical Protection will only decrease by 25% of the magical damage it receives. The field is divided in half between a white field and yellow field. The white field is for current stat and the yellow field is for full stat. 
  • Defense: Defense is any added physical defense provided by your character's armor. Unlike Physical Vitality, defense doesn't decrease. It will absorb any physical damage not absorbed by your physical vitality before reaching your actual vitality. Once your character's armor is depleted to zero (0), defense will no longer work unless your character has some form of natural defense.
  • Spirit: Spirit is any added magical defense provided by your character's armor. Unlike Magical Vitality, spirit doesn't decrease. It will absorb any magical damage not absorbed by your magical vitality before reaching your actual vitality. Once your character's armor is depleted to zero (0), spirit will no longer work unless your character has some form of natural spirit.
  • Block: Block is a stat provided by your character's shield, should your character have a shield. You will require the use of the Block skill to use this stat, or Runic Block to use this stat against a magical attack.
  • M. Rad Block: stands for Magic Radiation Block. This is a stat that is provided by your character's armor. Armor that is made of materials naturally affected by magic will have a M. Rad Block. The M. Rad Block shows how many points of Magic Radiation your character's armor protectes you from. The higher the M. Rad Block, the more unstable magic radiation your character can be exposed to before receiving Magic Radiation. 
  • Soak: Soak is a percentage of the damage that the armor simply absorbs. This is damage that doesn't affect or decrease the armor's physical or magical protection stat and damage that does not affect your character. Soak is calculated before physical and magical protection and defensive stats, therefore you would first reduce the damage by Soak, then by Physical or Magical, and finally reduce it by Defense or Spirit. Soak is a percentage, so if your total soak is 20 it is 20% meaning that the damage is reduced by 20%. The Soak stat does not decrease. Only when the armor providing Soak is destroyed do you no longer have this benefit.
  • Evade Modifiers: Evade Modifiers is by how much that type of armor effects your evade. If the armor has a negative value, such as -2, then it will reduce your characters evade, making you easier to be hit. If the armor provides a positive value, then it will increase your characters evade, making you harder to be hit. If there is a 0 value then there is no change to your character's evade. The total evade modifier from your armor is used in the armor stats on the front of your character sheet as a modifier to the Evade field there.
  • Weight: This shows how much the armor weights. Be careful not to equip more weight than your character's Weight Limit.
  • Other Information: This is where you can list any other information needed for your armor. 

Light or Heavy Armor

On the Armor Stats section on the front of your character sheet you will see two bubbles, one for Light and another for Heavy.

  • Light Armor is armor that doesn't restrict your movement so while it doesn't provide the best physical protection, it also doesn't generally hinder your evade. Light Armor is armor that can be worn by most professions and consists of cloth armor and chain armor. Generally, light armor shouldn't be more than 35% of your character's weight limit. Any profession can wear light armor, however some professions may not do so well wearing chain armor.
  • Heavy Armor is armor that provides the best physical protection but to do so it is heavier than other armor and always restricts your evade. Heavy Armor can typically only be worn by warriors and guards. Medium armor counts towards heavy armor if worn with other heavy armor, or light armor if worn with other light armor.

Attaching and Removing Rune Stones

You are able to attach or remove your own rune stones when you so desire.

Repairing Armor

The local blacksmith will be glad to repair your character's armor for a cost. The cost is 65% of the item's original cost of the item you wish repaired.

Equipping Armor

Equipping armor is very similar to equipping weapons, you just fill in the information needed. If the armor has any modifications, you need to add their effects to your character's armor, and try to put the modifications in the armor's name some how.


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