
"There may be many other beings of great powers and many other gods, but there is only one supreme being and only one Zodo, who is the supreme being." - Incantations of Faith, Incantation 2, The Divine Incantations

Basic Information

Deity: Zodo

Power: God of Power, has power over change and manipulation and is the god of magic

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Followers: can be any alignment

Religious Bodies: The Church of the Holy Body (all eras), various cults (all eras), The Temple of Zodo (late 1st Era)

Religious Symbol:


Zodo is the god of power and magic. He is the forge of creation but not the creator. Through him El Anon the Creator forged the universe. As it does with all things, power corrupts and it corrupted Zodo. Zodo began to feel that he himself is the creator and one true god and began plotting against the other gods. 


"Zodo desired worship, and thus he brought about life. From Zodo came the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. From these elements all things came to be." - Incantations of Genesis, Incantation 2, The Divine Incantations

Zodo is malevolent at his very heart. Zodo  is filled with greed, lust, pride, and even envy. He is perhaps dangerously patient, always waiting and scheming for the time where he can remake the universe with him as its only god. Zodo is also very convincing, a master manipulator and great deceiver. Zodo is the very definition of evil, however he is also complex, and not every aspect of Zodo is evil. In a desire for worship and with a belief that he is the one god, Zodo does indeed take care of those who give him worship, no matter their alignment or their view point of him. The one thing to understand though is that Zodo will not allow himself to be used in a way that goes against his own designs.


Zodo is described to have been flawless in every imaginable way. It is believed that the xodian race all share in his likeness. His body was however long ago ripped from him and cast into the pits of Xodod, so on Nor'Ova he had to resort to possessing people and objects. For a long time he has existed within an orb known as the Orb of Power. In the First Era this orb would be broken by Lector Clairstory.


Man kind has the power within themselves to be something great. Each were created to be gods of their own domain, and should they realize this and awaken their inner power this they may become. United together those with this knowledge can become greater than anything of the cosmos, save Zodo who has given them this power.” - Incantation of Truths, The Divine Incantations, Zodo

Zodo is perhaps the most powerful of the gods, save perhaps El Anon who created him. Zodo's power however is only in change and destruction - he lacks the power of true creation. The power of magic originally comes from him as it is the residual power left behind during the creation of the universe.

Through the Mind of Zodo, Zodo is able to commune with his followers via telepathy and dreams and his followers are able to call upon a small portion of his power.


“Any who faithfully and wholely call upon my name and promise to give me praise, for them I will give all.” - Incantation of Faith, The Divine Incantations, Zodo

Zodo's followers are strangely perhaps the most devout of any of the gods. Though Zodo himself is truly evil, the same cannot be said of all of his followers. Zodo is after all a great deceiver, he has been able to deceive the most pure of souls to follow him and continues to do so to this day. While many of his followers are attracted to his power, others are attracted to the message and do do good things. 

They profess that Zodo is the one true god of all things and he gives way for all beings to become god-like themselves. They don't believe in good versus evil, or at least they don't publicly profess to believe  in such. Instead they believe in just positive or negative morals of conduct and that the 'good' or the 'bad' of one's conduct is never simply black or white and depends upon the circumstances behind the conduct. They believe that all spirits are connected and it is the spirit that holds the ultimate power, given to them by Zodo. They believe that after death their spirit wanders the world, blind and forgotten of its past living life. Their spirit then connects with the spirits of all living things until part of it is needed to create life again in newborns. They believe that they can break the cycle of death and achieve not only immortality but also divinity.

Religious Holidays

  • 31st of Marpenoth - Day of Holy Proclamation - the day they say that Ormus found the Divine Incantations0
  • 21st through 30th of Chyr - Week of Holies - the week the church formally baptises in blood new members, following the tradition set by Ormus and the First Church
  • 8th of every month - day of spiritual fasting and prayer
  • 40th of Elynt - Advent of Ablution 
  • 10th of Varassis - Day of Moral Repentance - remembering the Martyrs of the faith

The Divine Incantations

The Divine Incantations is the holy book of anyone who worships Zodo. While this here wouldn't be the whole book this page will contain parts of the book. 

This is provided to those who are curious as to the beliefs of the followers that honors such a dark god, including those who might want to play as people who worship Zodo. The Church of the Holy Body is unique in that there isn't really a real world equivalent that you could look at so hopefully having this page here will be helpful to those who are interested in the Holy Body. 

It should be noted that this is written from the point of view of the Holy Body. Many things in this book would not be agreed upon by those of the Church of Sol Anon, and other beliefs. I decided to write this after being asked for some Incantations or sayings from the Divine Incantations for a zodoist character to use, so here it is.

The Incantations of Genesis

- The Holy Body's Beliefs of the creation of all things

Incantation 1: "In the beginning there was Zodo and Zodo was the beginning."
Incantation 2: "Zodo desired worship, and thus he brought about life. From Zodo came the elements of earth, air, fire, water, life, death, time and space, and from these elements all things came to be."
Incantation 3: "At first all of life and creation was together with Zodo and shared in his great brilliance. Other beings came from his power that grew jealous of Zodo, El Anon being one."
Incantation 4: "El Anon conspired with the other gods which fragmented from Zodo's Power to bring down Zodo and take all of creation for themselves. They created a series of weapons meant to undo Zodo and brought to ruin his great creation, but Zodo was always a step ahead."

The Incantations of Faith

- What the members of the Holy Body must believe in in order to truly be one of the Church.

Incantation 1: “Any who faithfully and wholly call upon my name and promise to give me praise, for them I will give all.” 
Incantation 2: "There may be many other beings of great powers and many other gods, but there is only one supreme being and only one Zodo, who is the supreme being."
Incantation 3: "The Mind of Zodo is ever with us. Through the Mind, Zodo listens to our prayers and knows our thoughts. Nothing can be hid from Zodo, no good goes unnoticed and no sin goes unpunished."
Incantation 4: "One should not shy away from troubles and tribulations for these are the times we can truly show our faith. Instead of hiding from hardships, embrace them in Zodo's name and any hardship shall be overcome."

The Incantations of Truths

- What the Holy Body teaches as the absolutes that justify their faith. 

Incantation 1: “Man kind has the power within themselves to be something great. Each were created to be gods of their own domain, and should they realize this and awaken their inner power this they may become. United together those with this knowledge can become greater than anything of the cosmos, save Zodo who has given them this power.”

The Separation of Zodo

"El Anon conspired with the other gods which fragmented from Zodo's Power to bring down Zodo and take all of creation for themselves. They created a series of weapons meant to undo Zodo and brought to ruin his great creation, but Zodo was always a step ahead." - Incantations of Genesis, Incantation 4, The Divine Incantations

Zodo is perhaps the most complex of the Nor'Ovan gods. He was once whole, but was separated by Lector Clairstory (going by Father Sataar) in an attempt to make Zodo controllable so that he could be forced to restore his son. He used Kymara, the Sol Anon, as a means to do so but some question this. Some think that perhaps Zodo planned for this to happen himself, and put this plan in motion since he no longer had a suitable host to hold all of him. In this way, it is reasoned, he could find hosts for each part of him and still go forth with his plans. Which ever is the truth we will not know.

“And a great plan was conceived to ensure that man kind and Zodo would never be separated and for the keeping of the promise of Ablution. Into Into a great sleep he went but never would he stray from his faithful. In time a Vessel of Zodo's Choosing would come and with this vessel he'd fulfill the promise.” - Incantation of Genesis,The Divine Incantations, Zodo

Each of the parts of Zodo contain a piece of who he was, except Life of Zodo, which is debatable if was ever really a part of Zodo. If they were ever combined somehow, Zodo would be whole again which likely would be disastrous. Every Part of Zodo that was ever a part of Zodo had been corrupted and thus is in some degree evil, but the evil of each part varies. Only Life of Zodo remains pure.

The Three Classic Powers

Yu Dico AKA Taal Zodo - The Power of Zodo: This is the very power of change, manipulation, and destruction and the source of magic itself. Power itself is neither good or evil, but neutral. It is simply that power is almost always corrupted, whether it be by the desires of its Orb Bearer (or its vessel should it find one), or the Soul of Zodo itself, corruption comes. Power is dangerous as it is short tempered and demands immediate respect and servitude. Often known as Taal Zodo as the name of what was to be the true host of Zodo, Power of Zodo is also known by its xodian name, Yu Dico which translates as The Power and Dominion (Yu = The, Dico = Dominion). Power of Zodo is a masculine aspect. The Power of Zodo currently does not have a vessel and is in an orb, but its location is not known.

Yu Yuri - The Spirit of Zodo: The Spirit of Zodo is seen by some as benevolent, however those who cross the Spirit may soon see her evil side. The Spirit of Zodo. Yu Yuri (zodian, The Spirit) is interesting in the fact that she is benevolent and kind to those who she perceives as friend or worshiper, but is cold and withdrawn to those who can't be swayed and is downright hateful to those who've crossed her. She desires revenge for the death of her mortal and divine sister and for forcing her to awaken, having desired to live a normal life. The interesting thing is that Yu Yuri is simply the other half of Ky Yuri (zodian, Spirit of Sol), a twin of the Spirit of Sol Anon (Kymara) if you will. Yu Yuri, the Spirit of Zodo, does not desire destruction, but love and revenge. The Spirit of Zodo is a feminine aspect. Yu Yuri, being the twin aspect of Ky Yuri, came into being within the mortal sister of Kymara, Kileen.

Yu Kious AKA Kious Zodo - The Will of Zodo: The Will of Zodo is sometimes seen as neutral and other times seen as the most dangerous of the three principal powers. The Will of Zodo has the ability to change the wills of others and often does so. Those that can resist their will being changed often find themselves destroyed by other creatures that the Will does control. The Will is seen also as the most patient of the three, and is able to form strategies and plan out multiple paths to achieving its… will. Yu Kious (zodian, The Will) is patient and doesn't show himself until he is ready to do so, and by then he's likely already won. Yu Kious is a masculine aspect. It is unknown at this moment if Yu Kious dwells within the man known as Kious Gray, or if Kious Gray is simply a beholder of the orb of Yu Kious.

There is only one place for each of the three main powers, either as a vessel or within an orb.

The Lesser Known Powers

Yu'Mara - Life of Zodo: Typically this one surfaces once an era but sometimes more, and most time remains a simple observer of things. Yu'Mara (zodian, The Life), Life of Zodo only surfaces by being "born" within a pure spirit individual who becomes the Oracle for his/her life span. Life of Zodo is benevolent but its desires are not always known or clear. Yu'Mara had ever been the stabilizing good part of Zodo until the Soul of Zodo drove it out. Yu'Mara now desires nothing more than to return to Zodo now that Soul of Zodo itself was driven out and seal within Xodod. This causes many theologians to therefore not refer this as a part of Zodo, some even believing that there is no Yu'Mara and that the being some attribute to as Yu'Mara being in fact just another incarnation of Kymara (zodian, Life of Sol), the Sol Anon and "sister" if you will, of Zodo. Every reincarnation though is actually a split reincarnation with both Kymara and Yu'Mara being alive at the same point of time each time. It is simply assumed that only Kymara is present, but sometimes the one who takes center stage as "Kymara" is in fact Yu'Mara. As both are almost the same in appearance, power, and morality, it is hard to tell the difference. The one big difference though is that Kymara cannot recall the long dead but Yu'Mara can. Technically speaking, Yu'Mara is the stronger of the two, bearing powers of Zodo, while Kymara is the only one who can free souls. Yu'Mara is a feminine aspect.

Yu Mundus - Mind of Zodo: Yu Mundus (zodian, The Mind) is a constant global thought if you will. It is the devil's advocate which tempts, questions, and whispers into the minds of those that will listen. Its only power is to be very suggestive, which for the weak minded is power enough. Under the influence of the Mind of Zodo many of done things they normally wouldn't have thought to do. Mind of Zodo is usually seen as evil but it is actually just the adversary, a tester of wills, and thus very neutral. Yu Mundus is a masculine aspect.

Yu Zodo - Soul of Zodo: Yu Zodo (zodian, The Zodo) is the very dark being of the once very complex god, Zodo himself. He was trapped in Xodod by El Anon and his two sons, but he conquered the realm while there. Soul of Zodo is the most dangerous and most evil aspect of Zodo. Soul of Zodo's ultimate desire is to be free from Xodod and reunite with the other parts of Zodo and to destroy El Anon and any that follow El Anon. He takes his anger out on the souls that he claims, using them to empower his demons and servants, and tortures them in the process. Yu Zodo is a masculine aspect.

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