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Your search for “"Time"” gave approximately 3 results:

Wiki+ page: Time Magic

…unity to space and time magic attacks.

Affinities: Future, Past

Months: Marpegoth, Elynt

Time Magic is magic that involves the manipulation of the time element, and all of the aspects that come with or from time. Time Magic is categori


Wiki+ page: Keeping Track of Time

…ially should there be more than one independently acting character groups.

Time Progression

So exactly how does time progress in Nor’Ova? By now you would understand that an hour in real-time does not equal an hour in game-time. That would make it take forever


Wiki+ page: Time

… to space and time magic attacks.

Supportive Effects: Automatically have a 20% chance to evade any form of attack.

Time Affinities

Those born under the element of time will have a stronger affinity to one of two aspects of time. Those aspect


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