Races of the Campaign

Table of contents

  1. Changes to Races
  2. Races

Below are the races of this campaign. This is a 1st Era Campaign so some races will be different from the base game, other races may be unplayable, and there are going to be some different races added in. For the races that are the same you can go to Races.

Changes to Races

Here are the changes to the races of the base game.
Human remains the same
Talusian Proto-Talusian
Deztunian Proto-Deztunian
Xodian Genetically Created Xodians
Dwarf Only Mining Clan Dwarf available
Elf Only Yerk (Wood Elf), Rover (Plains Elf), and Dweller (Dark Elf) available
Cathar not available
Canid not available
Yeti not available
Fae remain the same
Goblin not available
Angerian remain the same
Dracokin not available
Namara Proto-Namara
New Race Tiefling


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