

The fields for currency can be found at the bottom of page 1 (the stat sheet) of your character sheet. Currency by definition is anything which may be valued and use for in trade for goods or services.


  • Shillings is the standard form of currency in most of the civilized world. It is backed by gold reserves, and itself typically is made mostly of gold, each coin weighing one pound of the precious metal. The Shilling is the currency that the other currencies are based on, and is used as the primary currency by most nations. Some nations may refer to their shilling by a different name, but as long as it is backed by gold and consists primarily by gold it is valued the same as the shilling.
  • Salary is the amount of shillings your character will receive automatically every game week. This is useful to keep recorded so that you remain aware of the amount of money you are supposed to be getting.

Determining Starting Amount of Shillings

We will be determining how many shillings your character starts with. In order to determine your character’s start-up currency, follow these simple steps. You will need a set of percentile dice, a scrap paper to record your rolls, a three-sided dice (or a six-sided dice with 4 = 1, 5 = 2, and 6 = 3), a ten-sided dice, and you may want a calculator.

  • Step 1: Roll 1d20. This will show you how many additional percentile dice you get to roll.
  • Step 2: Roll 1d% the number of times shown on the 1d20 from step 1. If you had rolled a 5, that means you get to roll 5d%. Record each number rolled.
  • Step 3: Your game master may roll a six-sided dice to see how many re rolls you have. Remember, if you choose to re-roll, you must keep the new re-rolled number. However if you have enough re-rolls left you can always re-roll the new number. Also you do not have to take all of your re-rolls.
  • Step 4: Add the numbers together. For example, if you got 90, 18, 50, and 24, your total would be 182.

Once you have your answer from Step 4, that is your character’s start-up currency in Shillings. Simply add that information into the Shilling field on the front of your character sheet. And that is it.

Other Valuables

This is simply a place to list things that are not one of the three main currencies, yet hold value as if they were currency. These could be obscure coins from an ancient civilization, odd money from some remote tribe, or echo shiff claws treasured by some odd imp tribe. Really, anything that could be used as currency but is not shillings would go here.

To make use of this spot simply list how many of what item and its perceived worth in shillings. The worth column is to make it easier to use the obscure currency with the store lists. For example, if you would happen to have 10 echo shiff claws, with each being worth 10 shillings, you would put 10 echo shiff claws in the valuable spot and 10 shillings in the worth spot.


It is possible to ask the Local Bank for a loan, but they will require collateral. In this world, your stats are your collateral, so you will offer up so much of your stats. Lets say you have a Fortitude of 80, and you over up 20 as collateral. That 20 is still there, but you cannot use it until your loan is paid off, so you might as well have a Fortitude of 60. However, if your race max was 80, you cannot add any more into Fortitude to offset that.

The bank will take that 20 (or whatever amount you choose) that you offered up, and multiply it by 350. That amount will also go into your Debt, and this also goes into your Shillings field. You can pay as much of it off as you like, but it will take 10% of any money you receive. Every week the Loan debt increases by 5%, so it is best to pay it off quickly.

Each time you pay off your loan, your credit rating with the bank improves. So the each additional time you take out a loan the multiplier is increased by 20%, assuming that the previous loans are paid off. Therefore, the second loan would have the collateral multiplied by 420, the third time it would be multiplied by 490, and so forth.

So assuming you use 20 of your stat as collateral, the first loan would be 7,000. The second loan would be 8,400. The third loan would be 9,800. This will allow you to get larger sums of money for larger projects, by showing your ability to pay off a loan. Even if you do not plan to use a loan in the future, it may be wise to go ahead and get a loan at the start and pay it off quickly, so that you can get that larger loan in the future. Plus, your GM may require you to have a certain rating with the bank for certain things like purchasing houses and the like.


Here is some terminology to help with your immersion.

Shilling: The shilling is the main currency. You could compare it to the dollar. Instead of saying something costs 5 dollars, you'd say it costs 5 shillings.

Pence: Pence is part of a shilling, or as the nomenclature goes, a pinch of a shilling. It is akin to saying cents. So if something costs 30 cents you'd say it costs 30 pence. If something is stated to cost 5.34, you could say it costs 5 shillings and 34 pence.

Penny: This is 1 pence of a shilling (1 cent of a dollar).

Tenths: This is 1/10th of a shilling, or 10 pence.

Quarter: This is 1/4th of a shilling, or 25 pence.

Durum: This is one half of a shilling, or 50 pence.

A Crystal Shilling: This is a shilling piece minted with the value of 10 shillings.

A Double Crystal: This is a shilling piece minted with the value of 20 shillings.

A Half Crion: This is a shilling piece minted with the value of 50 shillings.

A Crion: This is a shilling piece minted with the value of 100 shillings.

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