These creatures are all types of fairies. These are not to be mistaken with the Fae race.

Beast Basic Information Runic Element Information HP SA EP Armor Stats
Naerid Sometimes called a water nymph or a pond mistress, the naerid finds a suitable body of water and then guards it with their life.

Runic Element: Water

Affinity: Water

HP: 200

Mortality: 100

SA: 150

Awareness: 75

EP: 120

Fatigue: 30

DR%: 37

MR%: 54

Evade: 13

Sprite Sprites love their privacy and go out of the way to seek out overgrown thickets where other intelligent creatures tend to avoid.

Runic Element: Life

Affinity: Energy

HP: 50

Mortality: 25

SA: 60

Awareness: 15

EP: 10

Fatigue: 3

DR%: 0

MR%: 0

Evade: 90

Submitted by mythus on Sun, 01/01/2023 - 08:27