The Sol Anon is a title that means "Star of Ages", much like El Anon means "The Ages". It is a title given to whom the people from Before the Eras thought would save them from death and suffering and right the world of all its ills. The Sol Anon is also supposed to be the direct offspring of the Creator, El Enon. At or near the beginning of the First Era, a girl was found who demonstrated a pure spirit, powers of healing and creation, and a message of love and renewal. This person was known as Kymara and it is she that many people have come to call the Sol Anon. Therefore, when people speak of Sol Anon, they speak of her, even if they might not know her name.


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1) Characteristics

Kymara is a gentle yet protective goddess. Her chief concerns are protecting the innocent and keeping souls from the taint and corruption of Zodo. It is said that she would fiercely defend anyone who deserves defending, whether they believe in her or not. 

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2) Personification

Kymara is described as youthful and innocent in appearance with long white hair and pure blue eyes. It is said that she reincarnates in that form in times of great need only to end up being killed in a gruesome death - usually by her choice as a way to save souls. After her first death Kymara splintered off a part of her spirit to be with the people of Nor'Ova. That spirit became Ky'Yurei - a lesser goddess in her own right who's purpose is to provide comfort to the innocent and test the spirits of mortals.

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3) Powers

Kymara's power is the power of life and spirit. She can call back those long dead, retrieve spirits from Xodod, and create new life. She can heal any wound or illness and even reincarnate. While her powers are not as grand as Zodo, they are pure and are meant for the service of Nor'Ovans, not the dominion of them.


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4) Followers

Kymara's followers are a fractured group. The largest group would be the Church of Sol Anon. Many of them have forgotten her name and the Church as a whole seems to be ripe of corruption and weak believers. The strongest believers of Kymara are not part of the Church and are a silent majority.

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Submitted by mythus on Sun, 12/25/2022 - 06:19