A group of adventurers, worn out after a harrowing adventure cautiously approached the livery. A long journey awaited them and they so desperately desired help getting there. “Do you have a simple horse and buggy we might borrow as we go off to save the kingdom,” the leader of the party quipped. “Ho ho, plenty I have,” the burly shopkeeper replied, “but none for free, if that's what you mean!”

The distraught adventurers sighed, but the leader smiled. With a charismic smile, he haggled the large man, “But sir, surely you know, we be the heroes that saved the miners. Think of the publicity and the customers that might bring you!” Rubbing his bearded chin, the large and burly man nodded, “Perhaps you are right. I'll lend you a buggy and a team of horses, but first I must make certain that it will benefit me.”

He runs out and a series of hammering can be heard. When he was done, the shopkeeper showed them the buggy, nailed to it were signs that read, 'The Heroes of the Mine rent from the best, get yours too from the Livery!'

The purchasing of equipment and goods is often thought of as the last step in making your character. It is very important to flesh your character out with the needed equipment and goods, however whether or not you are allowed to purchase them during your character’s creation is up to the GM . The GM may decide to make you wait until after you have started playing to be able to purchase equipment and goods, or my allow you to do so during your character’s creation so that you can start out with some equipment. Regardless on when you are able to make your first purchase you will still need to know and understand the process and how to place the newly purchased equipment on your character.

Sometimes a GM or a Campaign might include a basic list of stuff the characters start with, or sometimes a character might not be allowed to start with anything, including money, and have to find a way to earn it all. You should always check with your GM first before purchasing goods during character creation!

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1) Purchasing

Purchasing constitutes the obtaining of goods and services by means of paying, whether it be with money, trade, or equal service. In order to obtain weapons, armor, or other goods from the stores you will have to spend money for them, thus purchase them.

1.1) Methods of Purchase

There are several ways in which you may purchase equipment and goods. The most common way is by spending money. All goods listed in this book will be listed with the default shilling rates, meaning that the price you see listed will be it’s price in shillings. Some campaigns may deal with crion or durum. In those cases those campaign books will have the equipment and goods listed in their default currencies. In order to purchase equipment and goods using money, you would simply deduct from your character’s money to pay for what you are wanting to buy. If you do not have enough money, you cannot buy that item.

Another method of purchasing is through trade. However trading for goods requires a trading skill to be used and something to trade for the item you desire. If the item you are trading with isn’t considered as valuable as the item you are wishing to acquire, you may have to trade another item with it, or put up the difference in cash. If the item you are trading with is worth more than the item you are wishing to acquire you may receive the difference in cash.

A less common method of purchasing an item is by providing a service. At the GM’s discretion you may be able to provide work and have the item you are desiring be your payment. The GM may decide to make you make a Personality check to see if the shop owner would be willing to work with you on this or not.

1.2) Decreasing the Asking Price

When purchasing an item, there is a chance that you may be able to decrease the asking price of the item. Besides trading an item of lower value as mentioned above, you can haggle or in some cases use your own materials.

Haggling is the act of talking down the asking price of an item. In order to haggle you would first need the skill called “Haggle”. You would use that skill to get a certain percentage cost off of the item’s asking price. Making a critical mishap with this skill may cause the item to increase by that percentage amount instead. There may be other skills like haggle which may also help you to decrease an item’s asking price.

Haggle is a great skill for beginning characters! It not only gives you the chance to decrease the cost of an item, it also gives you easy character points that you can earn for your character when purchasing equipment – even during character creation!

When dealing with armor and weapons you are able to provide your own materials which would greatly reduce the cost of the item you are wishing to purchase. You would simply deduct the going rate for your material from the item’s cost to get the new cost. You can find what your material is worth later in “Crafting Supplies”. You can also use the haggle skill or other like skills on the item after having reduced its cost by supplying your own materials to further reduce the item’s cost.

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2) Selling

Selling constitutes the relinquishing of goods and services for profit. If you wish to receive any money for your goods you would have to sell them.

In Legends of Nor’Ova, you are able to sell your items for profit. The amount of profit you can hope to gain from selling differs based on what you sell and sometimes on it’s quality. When selling weapons and armor, you would decrease that item’s cost by half. There are skills which you can use to make the price offered even higher. It should be noted however that if you are attempting to sell any armor or weapon that’s broken that you will get more money if you simply scrap it and sell the resulting materials.

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3) Broken Equipment

Broken Equipment is any weapon or item that is rendered broken or armor with a DR% of 0. Broken equipment cannot be used and broken armor does not provide any protection.

You can prevent your character's equipment from becoming broken by keeping it repaired when it receives damage. Repairing equipment is almost always cheaper than buying new equipment, and selling fully repaired equipment will get your character more money than selling broken or damaged equipment.

There is a repair skill that you can use to repair your character's equipment, and several magic types have repair magic. If your character cannot use any of these spells or skills, the local blacksmith will be glad to repair your character's equipment for a cost. The cost is 65% of the item's original cost of the item you wish repaired.

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4) Equipping & Using

Equipping purchased weapons and armor on your character is simple. If you wish the item you purchased to be equipped, you simply record the item in its appropriate field on the back of your character sheet. There you will see a place for equipped weapons, armor, relics, rings, and storage devices.

But what do you do with items that you do not wish to equip on your character, or that cannot be equipped on your character? For those items you will need to record them on the inventory sheet of your character sheet. These items are meant to be placed in your storage devices and therefore you will need to take note of how much space each item takes. When you no longer have space for your items you will not be able to carry anymore items.

Don't forget that you can make your own goods if you have the right skills, or you can have equipment specially made for your character! Check out the Crafting section for more information.

How you record these items on your paper is up to you. It is recommended that you record as much information about the item that is possible. You definitely will want to know what the item is, what the item does, how much the item weights, and how much space the item takes up. It is your responsibility to know what you have, how much of what you have, and what your items do. If you need any help you should ask your GM for assistance.

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5) Chapters

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Submitted by mythus on Sat, 01/01/2022 - 02:26