Miracle Touch

15% chance to either restore or remove 1d4 Mortality Points by touch. Double the effect if you are a priest of Nikolai.

Healing the target only is considered Light Alignment

Healing or harming is considered Neutral Alignment

Reviving Hands

15% chance to revive the recently dead by touch. The target must have mortality left and this skill must be used within 3 rounds of death to work. If used against the undead, including spirits, there is a 15% chance that the undead target will cease movement, basically being dead again. Increase chance by 5% of a priest of Nikolai.

Light Alignment

Holy Hands

Either remove the effects of poison by touch or cause 1d6 HP poison (non-stacking) by touch. If you are a priest of Spector, the poisoning increases to 1d8.

Neutral Alignment